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I just went from a 29 gal to a 55 gal tank, all live rock is cured and i used my sand from the 29 gal + 1 bag of new live sand. is it ok to put my 2 clowns in? as they were the only 2 fish in my 29right now they are in a 5 gallon bucket with a filter and heater can i put them in?

Re: upgrading... HELP

just tested the water in the 55 the ammonia is at .5 !!! how did this happen? what should i do with the 2 clowns, will my cuc be alright?
get a couple large bags of bio spira (large bag for 55 gallons) put 1 in your tank wait 24 hours and test, ammo should be gone, then you can put the clowns in. wait another 24 hours and test again if need be add the second bag of bio.
the guy never heard of bio spira so he recommended amquel, so i added that and i got some chemipure eilte because i love that stuff
Re: upgrading... HELP

thenamshow said:
just tested the water in the 55 the ammonia is at .5 !!! how did this happen?

Minicycle. The beneficial bacteria that lives in your sand doesn't like oxygen. Just the process of moving sand from one tank to another will result in some bacteria die off. You can also get some release of Hydrogen Sulfide into the water from dead spots that exist under rocks. It's usually recommended that you start a NEW sandbed when you change tanks, rather than trying to shift an old one. It can and has been done successfully, but it also sometimes has disastrous results. I know I had some issues last week, and all I did was to pull a few rocks out of my tank, that had been sitting on the sand for a year or so. My GSP's and brain coral started showing signs of stress shortly after. I'm guessing that I must have released some Hydrogen sulfide into the water when I pulled out those rocks.
thenamshow said:
the guy never heard of bio spira so he recommended amquel, so i added that and i got some chemipure eilte because i love that stuff

I never used amquel, when I upgraded my tanks and moved the sand beds I only used the bio spira and never had a problem or any die off, there is a few places that sell it, ocean county pet center, Allquatics, petco and trop.

here's a link if you want to buy it online


Good luck hope the amquel stuff works for you
ammonia is at zero thank god. 1 clown and a damsel are in there right now. The other clown is in the aquapod. he will return to the 55 when I think the time is right.