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Washing hands

I know, sounds silly, but what are your rituals prior to sticking your hands in your tank?? Wash or not to wash?

This may be the alcohol speaking ;D but it's like peeing only beforehand or sort of reversed and afterwards too... Yes I wash my hands before and after putting my fingers in the tank ;)
I don't wash my hands with soap but I will rinse them really well and after I pull my hands out i'll towel dry them and don't really wash them again unless i'm going back into work or eating because more likely then not i'll be putting them back in the tank before doing either of those things.


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
Speaking of peeing...make sure you go before you stick your hands in the tank. Feeling that water will make you want to go! :)
I heard that washing yr hands before wasnt gd,'specially with anti baterial soap.And after you def should,due to bacteria,like flesh eating disease,related to saltwater,open cuts,scratches..
shipwrecked said:
I heard that washing yr hands before wasnt gd,'specially with anti baterial soap...

Not if you have stuff on your hands that will be detrimental for your tanks like fertilizers, herbicides and insecticides (from working in the garden), skin lotions, sunscreens, engine oils, paint, detergents and other chemicals used as household cleaners, food oils and grease, dust from sanding materials etc. Washing hands in that case is good and if you are using any kind of soap or detergent, just make sure that it is rinsed completely and thoroughly.

shipwrecked said:
...like flesh eating disease,related to saltwater,open cuts,scratches..

If you are predisposed for for this particular flesh-eating bacteria (have open cuts, liver problems and tank brimming with Vibrio vulnificus) washing hands afterwards won't help you anything with this disease. It will, however, help you with anything that can invade our system through other means (mucus tissue in mouth and rest of digestive system, lungs, eyes, etc, and other open wounds that did not come in direct contact with tank water).


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
And the best solution is arm length gloves. That protects both the tank and you. Maybe there'll be a run on them at the PA group buy!


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
Phyl said:
And the best solution is arm length gloves. That protects both the tank and you. Maybe there'll be a run on them at the PA group buy!

Unless your tank is deeper then your arms are long, then the gloves fill up with water! :(
Good idea to rinse before working in the tank/sump and DEFINITELY wash with soap afterward particularly if you felt a pinch or got nicked.

ReefDrumz said:
Phyl said:
And the best solution is arm length gloves. That protects both the tank and you. Maybe there'll be a run on them at the PA group buy!

Unless your tank is deeper then your arms are long, then the gloves fill up with water! :(

i hear that Brian!
Billy, for your tank a wetsuit will probably work great. (Just my envy speaking here) :)

I always make sure I rinse my hands with fresh water before fiddling with my tank. Heck, I even roll up t-shirt sleeves AND remove deodorant if I have to go that deep. :-[

Thanks Guys. I'm usually nuts about this. I have some funny Algae growing on a couple of my rocks (see my other topic). Jcurry hit on the head. Wafer Algae! I thought that I might be adding something unwanted to the tank.

It's funny what this hobby will make you do you. I stopped spraying Cologne on my inner arm joint for a year now. Now I have to be careful with lotion too??