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Water Chemisry Help

Hey everyone. I could use a bit of assistance here. With the new setup of my nano came some new issues i need to address. Estimated volume is about 23gal. Here are my current parameters, tested yesterday, all API test kits.
PH-8.0-8.2(color was kind of in between)
Phospate-no reading

Today I did a 5 gal water change, and have been doing that weekly. I have not tested new parameters yet. Im having trouble keeping my PH and KH up. In addition my calcium has been dropping pretty fast. My tank is pretty heavy stocked, but all are typical size frags 1"-2" or so. I use Reef Crystals. I realize I may have to start dosing calcium soon. I will be doing so manually since I do not have room for anymore equipment. Should I also dose to keep PH and KH up. At this moment I have Brightwells ReefCode A&B on hand as well as Aquavitro's calcification and eight.four. I have never really had to dose so Im not really sure how to go about it. To be honest I really can't get my hands around the whole relationship between PH, KH, & calcium. no matter how much I read just don't get it. Any assist here would be great. If any more info is needed let me know. Thanks in advance

I should also add that since setting up I have been getting lots of what I believe are some type of worms growing everywhere. They are very tiny and have a spiral shaped white shell. they are pretty much everywhere that i don't clean with magfloat, back glass, rocks, equipment, inside sump, even noticed a few on the individual pieces of black crushed coral. Is it possible that they are the cluprit for my low calcium & KH #'s


Officer Emeritus
Staff member
redfishblue fish posted a great group of articles on reef chemistry by Randy Holmes_Farley (the man when it comes to chemistry), find the link and read a bunch.

I will give you a few basics here but read the articles.
Alk keeps your PH steady, so low alk and your PH can swing more.
Alk and calcium work against one another, adding alk will bring calcium down and visa versa. That is why you dose both to keep them balanced.
Magnesium allows for supersaturation of alk and calcium so you can bring those levels up higher.

When we had our 20g we were doing ok with the frags in it but once I started dosing they really took in growth and coloration. Aquavitro is good stuff, brightwell also makes quality products. A lot of people on here use the BRS 2 part. Just take it slow and test consistently when you start to make sure you don't shock your system. In a nano you have to be extra carefu.
redfishblue fish posted a great group of articles on reef chemistry by Randy Holmes_Farley (the man when it comes to chemistry), find the link and read a bunch.

I will give you a few basics here but read the articles.
Alk keeps your PH steady, so low alk and your PH can swing more.
Alk and calcium work against one another, adding alk will bring calcium down and visa versa. That is why you dose both to keep them balanced.
Magnesium allows for supersaturation of alk and calcium so you can bring those levels up higher.

When we had our 20g we were doing ok with the frags in it but once I started dosing they really took in growth and coloration. Aquavitro is good stuff, brightwell also makes quality products. A lot of people on here use the BRS 2 part. Just take it slow and test consistently when you start to make sure you don't shock your system. In a nano you have to be extra carefu.

Thanks Mike, to be honest I need it in basic. All my corals look good ATM. I knew I would have to start dosing just not this soon. I was really hoping that the weekly changes would have done the job. I was actually thinking about doing daily 1 gallon changes, its easy enough and would only take 5 min or so.

Here's the link:


I think you would be better served to get more accurate test kits. I've been using the new Red Sea Coral Foundation Pro kits and checking them against my Salifert kits and they are very close. Once you have this kit, the refills are relatively inexpensive.

Thanks Jim. I have not come across this yet. Good thing i have lots of time at work. By the way that setosa looks great. Thanks