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WaveMaker (part 2)


NJRC Member
Original Thread here:

- Last time the WaveMaker DIY plan was rated as "too technical"...
- This time, I added 2 new features, and hope i also can find a way to pre-made the pc-board, so it would make this task a bit simpler...


This is the functions of this version: (#4, and #5 are NEW, compared to the last version)

1, A on/timer/off switch that make the circuit always on / switch on-off (setting by a pot at 0.5~3 seconds rate) / always off.
2, A pause switch, when pushed, turn off the output for 0.5~4 minutes (setting by a pot).
4, THREE LEDs, one for output status, and one for pause, one for low light condition.
4, An external photocell input, when plugged, the output will reduces to 0~100% (setting by a pot) when low light
5, Two outputs, allow you to connect two pump controllers.


- R1, R2 and C1 determines the " PAUSE " time from 25 to 250seconds when SW1 pushed.
- R3, R4 and C2 determines the " WAVE PERIOD " from 0.5 to 3 seconds.
- R5 control the output power from 0 to 100% when " LOW LIGHT ".
- R6 determines the low light threshold, can be change it to suit the best match with your own light's brightness preference.
- CN1 was a non-standard connector, you can replace it with the mini DIN6 connector but you must remove the little plastic pin inside the photocell plug.

Circuit Schematics:

Photo Cell:


NJRC Member
the above post are for geek talk, you all can ignore it...
i need to post the circuit out early, cause i need some help to get an electronic copy of the schematics, so i can submit it to check for pricing...
Olivier, stcreef, Mbodell do anyone of you have some free time to help me with this?

my plan is:
(1) get the schematics
(2) upload/submit to get price on the pc-board
(3) shop in http://www.allelectronics.com/ or http://www.digikey.com/ to get price for the components.
(4) then depends on how many members are interested, we can then order the parts all at once
(5) do a group DIY on one of the meeting?? (probably meet in the morning to have more time to finish it...)



NJRC Member
- i tried with the ExpressSCH, but it failed to validation check... (could not figure out how to fix it).
- i tried to upload to google doc, but it not allow me to upload that file, it only allow most popular formatted files (doc, xls...etc.)
- if you PM me your email, i can forward you the file, so you no need to start from scratch.
what do you like to do with the schematic? I can do the layout for you so you can send it to fab house for PCB board.
Let me know


NJRC Member

you are right, what am i going to do with the schematic?

my goal is to get the circuit to somehow make it to PCB board (and at what cost?)... so i can continue on with the DIY. and i don't know how... (how to make one, how to submit to fab house, which one will get good price...etc.)

myself, i no need all that, it is just too much works which scare off our general reefer members without the pre-made pcb board.

I was messing around with it the diagram. I really don't have any time right now to work on it. I tried the pad2pad program and it seems a lot easier for just doing a board than trying to get the express programs to work. On the express program it wanted me to go through and name every single pin, resistor, and it just took too much effort to try and get the diagram to validate and then you still have to go into the board program and lay it out.


NJRC Member

really appreciated your time and effort to help.

i was hopeing the Express program can AUTO lay it out for me?
well, i guess i will have to try the pad2pad the hardway then...

do you have some thing already started so i can use pad2pad to continue on?
otherwise, i can start it from scratch...
I don't think the other program really did an auto layout, I might be wrong. The pad2pad is quick, but I was just messing around with it. I am moving this week so I really haven't had the time to do anything.
WOW amazing work malulu
I have joined this form just so I can tag along ;D : p
Has anyone got a parts list for this project and has any one got there’s up and running yet
malulu said:

really appreciated your time and effort to help.

i was hopeing the Express program can AUTO lay it out for me?
well, i guess i will have to try the pad2pad the hardway then...

do you have some thing already started so i can use pad2pad to continue on?
otherwise, i can start it from scratch...

try to use the Eagle software. the autoroute on most of the CAD layout does not work that well due to so much of computer processing required. You have to do the layout manually which is not that hard for such small circuit. if you want me to help you on layout, let me know


NJRC Member
Olivier said:
malulu said:

really appreciated your time and effort to help.

i was hopeing the Express program can AUTO lay it out for me?
well, i guess i will have to try the pad2pad the hardway then...

do you have some thing already started so i can use pad2pad to continue on?
otherwise, i can start it from scratch...

try to use the Eagle software. the autoroute on most of the CAD layout does not work that well due to so much of computer processing required. You have to do the layout manually which is not that hard for such small circuit. if you want me to help you on layout, let me know

no, i've been busy with work related chore, and did not follow up after last status.

yes, pls if you can help to make a layout for me, it would be great.

i am still using the original design and it is working great so far, i hooked it up to a tunze-6200, and it is almost spill out of my tank top! i do need the night timing sensor those, right now, i just turn it off with a timer.
Give me a 2 weeks.  This is not hard.  I just have thing to do at home (clean my aquarium rock - bleach, acid, base, ro water).  I might get it done earlier but 2 weeks is about right for me at this time.
I will email you the fab draw and what ever file you need to send to PCB fab house.  There is a few PCB maker in NJ.  i knew 1 in Nutley.  I use that fab house at work.

Question, the CN1 connector is a PS2 keyboard connector right? MINI-6DIN i think? if not let me know the name of it for a right part on my layout


NJRC Member
excellent, thanks for your help.

CN1 was a non-standard connector, you can replace it with the mini DIN6 connector but you must remove the little plastic pin inside the photocell plug.