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I currently have a Flame Angel in QT that is very shy and only eating Mysid shrimp. How do i wean him onto pellet food and hopefully some flake in the future. He is eating but he's not a very big eater. Any ideas or recommendations greatly appreciated
I had the very same experience with one of my fish, but that might work only with the fish that is not shy but just not intersted or familiar with offered food. My fish was the largest in the tank and not shy at all so the "feeding frenzy" from my clowns and tangs enticed it to eat the same food they ate and to compete with them. If, on the other hand, such burst of the activity would intimidate and scare the fish a different aproach should be applied. IMHO the QT would be the the best place to teach it in that case. First, try to establish how the fish eats : does it go only for free floating food, the food that is falling through water or the food that is laying on the bottom. With many fish this part of feeding is very reflexive (that is why they are cought on lures by fisherman ;D ) and you have to establish if there are any paterns there. For example, mysid will float, like flakes after they are partially soaked, while pellets will sink relatively fast. Once you see what reflex will entice the fish, then you can try to mix the food. Thaw the mysid for a few minutes with the flake or pellet food. Let them soak the mysid juices for a while. Also, try different foods that "look" like mysid. Try brine shrimp or small pieces of frozen krill plankton. You do not want to supplement brine for mysid (since it is substantally inferior food source) just to "broaden the pallet".
Also, try planktonic food like Cyclop-eeze and rotifers (dry, frozen or liquid). This food will float around for a longer period of time and would allow fish to "relax" and take it easy.
I just realised that we are talking about the Flame Angel ( duuh : ) . They are considerd somwhat herbivore, so offer it variety of "greens" : try nori, other types of dry seaweed, any macroalgae you might have and even hair algae if you have any in the tank. See if that will help.
Flames and other pygmy angels are grazers and fair better in QT if you have some liverock to pick at. Of course you need to let this rock lay fallow before using it again.
I soak all my food in garlic and selcon. I would start soaking the mysis in garlic. Then start mixing another frozen food with the mysis and garlic. Ocean Nutrition has a great frozen pygmy angel formula if you can find it. San Francisco Bay Brand's Angel and Butterfly Formula is the one I use the most.
I use a small empty water bottle with RO/DI water and add a few cubes of the food I'm feeding and the garlic and selcon and mix. Refrigerate after use! Gradually as the Flame starts eating, add some pellet food to the mix. Hikari Marine S is one my guys seem to like.
Nori and other greens on a clip are good as well.
For the garlic I use Kent Garlic Extreme or you can make your own from fresh garlic. You can find garlic extract in the supermarket as well, but don't use garlic juice, it has lemon juice and water added and does not have a lot of garlic.
I do have a piece of live rock in there that he finds as a refuge. I so have Ocean nutrition alage in a clip for him. I will soak the mysid in garlic today. I will slowly add a piece of pellet or flake in there and see what happens. I'm sure eventually he will take the bait so to speak