in my humble opinion, our website needs some luv'n....(not sure how much this would cost or who would be capable of doing it) but it seems to be a little "blah".....a little dated, very boring. If you really dig into it, there seems to be some forums that most of us (if not all) do not the "gallery" or the calendar etc.
*i am also a little jealous on how @Mark_C seems to win POTM.......every month <--sorry @Mark_C just pointing out the obvious. (j.k. btw)
i am also curious to know how much this site costs us to maintain on an annual basis.
sorry if it all just seems like rambling. but if we do not have a club member that can actively maintain this site, should we outsource this and have club members contribute? or maybe migrate our club to a site like R2R (which some of us, including myself already utilize) and just have them deal with the headaches. we would just need to have some kind of private chat(s) about certain club issues but that can be done at club meetings (just saying)
not trying to rock the boat here guys....just want to say what i have been thinking about for the longest
*i am also a little jealous on how @Mark_C seems to win POTM.......every month <--sorry @Mark_C just pointing out the obvious. (j.k. btw)
i am also curious to know how much this site costs us to maintain on an annual basis.
sorry if it all just seems like rambling. but if we do not have a club member that can actively maintain this site, should we outsource this and have club members contribute? or maybe migrate our club to a site like R2R (which some of us, including myself already utilize) and just have them deal with the headaches. we would just need to have some kind of private chat(s) about certain club issues but that can be done at club meetings (just saying)
not trying to rock the boat here guys....just want to say what i have been thinking about for the longest