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Well water?


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
How many of you are using well water for your reefs? I am sure it can be done. Are there any special things that need to be done or is using a RO/DI enough. I'll bet that well water would be hard on the filters and membrane on the RO/DI unit.

Please excuse me if this has ever been discussed, but I did a search on the topic and the only thing I found was that we use the word WELL way too much and produces pages of various topics rather than well water related posts!

I have Well water and i use RO/DI. I have no issues with my filters at all. My water isn't hard at all. I guess it depends on the aquafir that it draws from


NJRC Member
My well water is super hard.

Recently I bought a TDS meter and it registered about ~300 before my ro/di.

After the ro/di, always 0, and that with a cheap filtersdirect ro/di unit.

The only issues with the well water (for me) is:
1. It comes out COLD, which makes the ro/di work slower
2. It comes out at a much lower pressure than city water, which makes the ro/di work slower.

For me, though, I only use ~10-12 gallons a week, so it's really no hardship. 5 for water change, 5-7 for top off.
