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What does it smell like? - Nice Answers Only

Hello there,

Here is something for you to try. Wash your hand and arm with distilled water and don't use a towel to dry it off. Next put your hand in your tank and grab one of your snails ( one that has some algae on him / her ) and rub you fingers over the shell. Next put the snail back and smell your fingers.

What does it smell like? This is important. I want to get a consensus. :)
What the,
Is this real? lol i never heard of rubbing my finger on a snail and smelling it.

If your for real i guess i can go try this for you... lol
yes, this is for real and it is ok if they don't grow algae, just rub your fingers over them and let me know if it smells foul or salty like when you go to the ocean or if it is a little of both.

Thanks in advance.
thanks for the replies. I know this one is weird.

Foul would be something like picking up a shell and there still being something dead inside after baking in the sun all day.

Salty / foul would be like the smell of seaweed or a shell that is on the sand but has nothing living in it any more.

It's hard to explain. I basically want to see how many of you say.. Wow, that stinks or It smells like it should "like the ocean " or something..

That is why I wanted everyone to put it into their own words..

Thanks again