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what fish to get?!?!



I need one more fish to add to my 75 gallon SPS tank....

After much research, I have decided to get either a:

Red Sea Regal Angelfish (Pygoplites diacanthus)
Xmas Island Gold Flake Angel (Apolemichthys xanthopunctatus)

anyone have any thoughts on them being in an SPS reef tank?
(these two seem to be the most "reef" safe Angels)


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
I'm not sure of the relationship but I have a coral beauty dwarf angle and it's eating the polyps on my birds nest. I will be looking for a new home for him real soon! :mad:


that's why I'm picking one of the two angels as mentioned.  Of all the angels I've read about, you get an occasional nipper with the exception of those two, but boy are they $$$
I've seen lots of regals in sps reefs, not so many goldflakes (thats probably due to their cost anyways).. Regals can be tough to get eating, and your best bet is a juvenile, 3" or less rather then an adult, to try and get to feed. Adults are very reluctant to feed in captivity. The goldflakes I saw at the shop ate pretty readily and were 4-5" usually (and $350+). But if I were to get a regal, I want a figure 8 regal :) thats usually $1500+...
Bah, black tangs are sooooo overrated.. who wants a shadow swimming in their tank?

If you are gonna spend the cash on a tang, get the GEM tang..


I could get the black tang, I know people who know people who knoe people, LOL

reef safe, this GEM tang I presume?!?


duh.... stupid question, LOL

are "tangs" reef safe?!?!?

ha ha ha


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
They have the coolest red coris wrass over at Ocean Aquarium right now. B-E-A-utiful Fish.
Mr Gem Tang (yes, he's reef safe)



Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
Red Coris Wrasse.... the fishie book says STAY AWAY!! Eats inverts, throws sand, digs, rearranges scape...