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This is in one corner of my tank. what is it and how do i get rid of it? it is under my powerhead where some of my snails had got stuck on the powerhead and died then fell down....could it be due to that?
ok what do you use to get flow down in the corners of your 210 steve? i have the outputs of my return pump but it just blows the sand all over the place....
i have Sea Swirls that move back & forth along with front spray bar
but i have a sequence pump that helps me with all that water movement.
at first when i hooked up the pump it did just what u said on the corners it
blew sand all over but it got down to a certain level & stoped, the bad
thing about ur nozzel's is that they point & spray so if u move them to
that side u are going to get a dead spot somewhere else
since u are all plumed up u might want to try powerheads.
also u might want to get sand sifting star fish, fighting conch & cucumber
to help eat alot of the junk that settles to the sand.
I'm thinking of gettnig a mated pair of orange spotted diamond gobies and a tiger tail cucumber. do you think there would be any conflict between these two? and do you think they would do a good job of keeping the sand clean?
I don't think so. Cucumbers just kinda mush around the substrate, the gobies would probably just rebuild themselves a new hole if they decide to burrow. You can get all the stuff that steve said, they would do the job unless you really wanna do the gobies. The gobies would simply sift the sand for food, rather than the other inverts which may eat detritus.
merv is right
i have a pair of yellow ones & they found them selfs a home under some rocks i only see them when it's time to feed the tank or when they are making a mess in the tank with the sand it's a good thing that they are in my frag tank.