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what to get the wife as her final gift?

limit 150-200$

i was going to buy her UGGS but decided against it.

i've bought her:

1x Lacoste Sweater Hoodie
1x Lacoste Polo
forever 21 items:
1x Cardigan/Scarf with pockets - new style?
1x Nice knitted Cardigan
1x Nice Printed shirt


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
I apologize for the mini-highjack, but when I read the title of this post, my first thought was a nice urn for her ashes.

Then it jumped to divorce papers…Her last gift.

Then it jumped to some gift I really wanted that I would buy for her (i.e. a chromed plunge router)…because that would be the last gift I buy for her, because I would dead.

Good Luck…with my wife, I have never gotten this right.


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
Jcurry@wesketch said:
evoIX said:
what to get the wife as her final gift?

Are getting divorced or putting out a hit on her?

LMAO. I couldn't help but wonder!

redfishbluefish said:
Good Luck…with my wife

Paul, I LMAOd at your whole post, but "Good luck with my wife" cracked me up!
kason i told her i would buy her a fish and she probably would have killed me but she held back. i won't even get into corals with her.

i'm still questioning the quality of those HD cams. it's handy but like everything else you pay for what you get. those cameras don't think they would be durable or quality would be just as good. she already has a camera i bought her for mothers day.