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where to get Hermit Crab shell?


NJRC Member

I ordered some BLH from the recent group buy, can some one help to recommend where to get the extra shells for them when they grow?

From my last experience, purchased from some websites, they listed the shells size as small, or medium is really no guarantee will fit in many case…

Please help…


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
If you bought any snails with your blue legs, they will have homes soon enough! ;D

Otherwise, Some LFS's sell shells. I would just go around to a few. You are bound to find some shells. I have a whole buch of empty snail shells. If you are close to me you can come pick them up.


NJRC Member

where are you located?  if you live some where in between JerseyCity (my work) and GreenBrook (my Home, near BridgeWater), that will be perfect... 

the next question is - where do i place them in my tank?  last time, i bought a whole bunch of empty shells, and leave them in the middle of the tank (210 gals) - but unfortunately, I do not know HermitCrab language - so I can't post any sign to guide them to get there...? ;D

thx for your help.


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
I'm in South Plainfield. That's only about 20 minutes from where you are.
Scattering shells around should have done the trick. It's possible the crabs didn't need shells. If they wanted a bigger shell they definitely would have grabbed one of the larger ones.  I mean.. If you could just pop into a bigger home wouldn't you!?  ;)


NJRC Member
how many empty shell do you have... can i buy them from you? can i stop by tomorrow night after work?


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
Tomorrow isn't a good time for me... I have my work Xmas party. Then Thursday I have practice. How about Friday?

I'm not sure how many I have atleast 10 or 15 I would think.. Sorry I'm too lazy to get up and look. :p