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who has a ETSS Reef devil deluxe

I'm running a reef devil deluxe on my 120 and was wondering if it is enough for my new 210g? also, how often do you clean out the bioball compartment in the skimmer? Mine hasn' been collecting as much lately. It seems that once gunk gets formed in the inner tube, the bubbles cant get past the dirt and into the collection cup. I have a fowlr with eight medium to large fish .


I used to have this on my 90Gallon. I had the same problem and would clean it out anywhere from 3 weeks to a month. COMPLETELY. I think this skimmer is one of the best on the market and does the job really well, but cleaning it can be a biotch if you don't have easy access to your sump.

Can you stick this on your 210? I wouldn't count on it. It is suggested for tanks up to 200. Having a skimmer on a 200+, I would want something that can do double that number. That's just me. I would personally go with either a etss 600 if I am penny pinching or get the etss 800


Great Skimmers, expensive, but they need some room and easy access!
thanks for the advise Mynd. I was considering updagrading to a larger etss(if i can afford it) or perhaps an MRC or ASM. what skimmer are you using now ?