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Who sells NLS (New Life Spectrum) Food?

Who carries this brand locally? Prefer Philly/CNJ area. Need this sooner rather later otherwise would order online.


Ocean Gallery in North Plainfield has it. A little expensive but its local..and its great food. My achilles tang loves it.
Pets Plus in Langhorne, around the corner from The Hidden Reef. I get it there myself when I run short but usually order online.

They have it at their langhorne store? I'll guess I'll snag some on Monday after work.

Thanks everyone for suggestions but those are too far north of my current route.
yes they do, i work right down the street from there. I am usually in there at least once a week. Unrelated, beware of their frag tanks. Serious bryopsis and flat worm issues.
If you can post where your located it will help to recomend a store near you, Aqua oceans in Toms River carries it also