• Folks, if you've recently upgraded or renewed your annual club membership but it's still not active, please reach out to the BOD or a moderator. The PayPal system has a slight bug which it doesn't allow it to activate the account on it's own.

window decals

hello all--was just wondering if this idea has been thought of ( probably has) but i'll mention it anyway---NJRC has shirts,hats,coolers? what about a car window decal, the kind that you can put on a back window of your car
again, just a thought


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
I would change the logo to say Reef Club rather than Reefers Club for the bumper magnets!
put a clownfish on there and reefers.. you should be fine.. that is our name :D

i would do a magnet.. promotionsnow does them...
sinkingbeach said:
ReefDrumz said:
I would prefer not to drive around with "reefers club" on my car! :D

I drive around with a margarita sticker and haven't been stopped since owning it, knock on my desk :D

:) slightly different, wouldn't you say. No one will arrest you for possesion with intent to distribute of margaritas ;D cheers
Our name can mean a lot of things

sure,but if the name was exactly like the logo on top of the page

New Jersey Reefers Club
Saving the World's Reefs, One Living Room at a time

how could any one not understand that
with that much text they would probably not be able to even read it, so it does not really matter what you write :D lol

It could be much worse. A good friend had a rather awkward vanity plate. It wasn't that it was sexual, suggestive, dirty, profane, or anything like that. No. It was just really confusing. It was basically the name of his old band. It's just that the band's name was curious in its own right. Pig Hut. Yes. You heard that right. His band was called Pig Hut. Police were always pulling him over for a slew of ridiculous reasons just to ask what was up with the vanity plate.

I think, given the choice, I'd much rather a bumper sticker or bumper magnet with "New Jersey Reefers Club" over a vanity plate like that!