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WTB: 24" Lighting


Officer Emeritus
NJRC Member
Hey guys, looking for a 24" lighting solution, it could be LED or T5s. let me know!


Officer Emeritus
NJRC Member
Hey guys,

Thanks for all the offers so far but let me be more detailed in what I am looking for, haha. The fixtures that have been offered are awesome but just a bit too much light. The light is going to be for a ADA-60F that will be plumbed with the frag tank for now but eventually be plumbed to the main display that is in the planning stages. The ADA-60F will be housing a RBTA.

Fixtures I am considering are a Kessil A150W, Par38 Bulb, AI Nano or a 2-Bulb T5 Fixture. lmk!

Thanks again!!!