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WTB: Fuzzy/Hairy Blue Tip Acro


Officer Emeritus
NJRC Member
Ok, so this might be a long stretch any my description probably wont help but I am looking for an acro that holds a special little space in my heart. lol it was the very first acro i have ever bought, it was browned out and minimal polyp extension was on special at the LFS. I nursed this thing till it was full blown healthy and kept it growing for almost 2 years. it wasn't the most amazing looking SPS but i treated it like such. Unfortunately, during my misfortune with a chiller crapping out during one of the hottest summers couple years back, i lost it. :(

under white light, it had a tannish body with blue tips and polyps were brownish on the fuzzy,hairy side.

under blue light, body was light blue with dark blue rips and the polyps were greenish/brown on the fuzzy/hairy side.

If someone has something similar please let me know. would love to have it in my tank again.