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WTB RODI & doser

njtiger24 aquariums

Officer Emeritus
Article Contributor
@Mark_C can I ask why you don't want a Jecod/Jaebo doser? Reason I ask is I have one on my list to do some looking into and would be nice to know if I should stay away from them.



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NJRC Member
I bought one, lightly used, about a year ago and within a few weeks had to change a pump head (dont recall which one). A few months ago I noticed a weak draw on one of the heads and now its incapable of lifting to my tank.
Can't be bothered to replace another head, just going to go for a new unit(s).

njtiger24 aquariums

Officer Emeritus
Article Contributor
I bought one, lightly used, about a year ago and within a few weeks had to change a pump head (dont recall which one). A few months ago I noticed a weak draw on one of the heads and now its incapable of lifting to my tank.
Can't be bothered to replace another head, just going to go for a new unit(s).

Ok thanks for that information
I have my RODI that I just took apart. It's still in pieces drying up. It will need all new filters and lines. Probably run you about $50-$70. It is from filter guys. I belive it's the ocean reef+1. But I added a pretty filter to make it 6 stage. Pre filter before Booster pump. Then sediment, 2 carbon blocks, membrane, then DI. It would have a booster pump, auto flush valve, auto shut off w/solenoid. It's set up to run on auto pilot. Also included If you want it is a 32g brute with float valve, water lvl viewer, and drain as well. All of it for $150. Again it would need all new filters and lines. Let me know.

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