• Folks, if you've recently upgraded or renewed your annual club membership but it's still not active, please reach out to the BOD or a moderator. The PayPal system has a slight bug which it doesn't allow it to activate the account on it's own.

New profile posts

Hello. I saw on an old post you had a couple of 55 gallon water barrels. Are they still available?
hi there i just saw your reply to my post now. how much chaeto do you have available? thanks, ryan
Thanks for the nice frags man. It was nice to meet you. I forgot the phyto at the meetup somehow. I did order the fertilizer. I may need to get some from you sometime. Thanks for the tips on exchanging the nano fusion pump.
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Reactions: EZreefin
No prob. Great meeting you as well. Glad you like the frags! Just give me a ring if your in brick and need some. If I don't pick up leave a message. 732-300-9823.
I’m not going to the meeting and, sorry, but I’m not interested in selling the pump at that price.
I'll give you 150 cash for that pump. It's a little oversized for me. Are you going to the meeting?
Are you interested in carib sea life rock shapes?
I have 40 lbs. 20 wet and 20 dry would do $175.00 for all. No meds or anything ever used in the system.
Im located in wharton nj 07885
Hey Dan,
Nice meeting you today at the meeting. The green acro is super nice along with the green monti cap. I was wondering what the 3rd branching type sps is? It's like a branching iridescent color? I also need to get a piece of your branching favia at some point. Thanks, Brian
120 gallon reef in juvenile stages live rock and a few corals from my 29 gallon previous reef started with dry rock and some live rock
I can not respond with the RSVP controls. I have been asking since last month about this. I keep getting (The following error occurred:
You do not have permission to view this page or perform this action). Could someone please fix this.
My RSVP dose not work for the.meeting page
The following error occurred:
You do not have permission to view this page or perform this action.
My RSVP dose not work for the.meeting page. (going, maybe, no and RSVP).