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Back to my first saltwater tank

njtiger24 aquariums

Officer Emeritus
Article Contributor
ran into my first issue. Early this morning my mom woke me up saying there was a hum coming from my tank and blinking red lights that say 99. I walk out to the living room and can hear the noise that my heater makes when its way below temp. I looked at the heater's temp and its flashing 99, but temp is set to 78. I looked at my temp reading on my controller and its reading 78. Hmmmm so is it my heater or is it my temp sensor that is wrong. I put my hand into the tank and the water does not feel 99 or even 85 to me but could feel pockets of warm water. Now I have a temp sensor that I use when mixing water. I put that in the tank to see what temp it reads. My stand alone sensor reads 78 which is right on with my controller. Thinking maybe that my temp sensor and the heater's were messing with each other (they were wrapped around each other) I untangged the wires and held the heater one out of the water. The temp dropped but only dropped to around 80 - 85. I put it back into the water and jumps right back to 99. I can only assume there an issue with that sensor. Now could I run my heater and use my controller to control the temp? Yes I could but I am concern that my heater might have other issues as well. Time to look for a new heater lol

njtiger24 aquariums

Officer Emeritus
Article Contributor
Looks good james....gonna add another wave pump?
not sure was thinking one rw4 would be fine but i do have my other one i can hooked up. i was going to ask this question about power heads. i see many people have them on the back wall. is it better on the back wall or the side?


NJRC Member
Good luck with the flurry and a nem, I have a breeding pair in my tank and the rather host to a price of dying Monti cap then the rbta. They were both put in at the same time, about 8 months ago. I love the flurries otherwise.

njtiger24 aquariums

Officer Emeritus
Article Contributor
nice. I do understand they may not take to nems. I'm ok with that. I like the look of nems in a tank. I might also add some LPS like Hammers and/or torches and/or frogspawn
Hang on fruge came in. Now just to get sand and get the water going. Also need to get some macro.

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View attachment 15363
Not to be a worry wart, but isn't salt exposure going to be an issue with an exposed power strip behind the tank, esp. with a HOB? GFCI or not, salt and electricity don't mix well out of the aquarium. Would hate for your tank dreams to go up in flames. [emoji91][emoji228] [emoji91]

Sent from my shoe phone using Tapatalk while in The Cone of Silence
I also have a power strip somewhat under my HOB. What I did was take some old cardboard and wedge it between my tank and the wall so it protects from minor drips. I have had a drip or two while doing maintenance, but have not had a problem. Fire is always a worry in this hobby.

njtiger24 aquariums

Officer Emeritus
Article Contributor
Hard to tell in the picture but the power strip isn't under the HOB. There room to the side. Now with salt I had a power strip next to my sump for about 2 years and the salt didn't do anything to it so I'm not too concerned.

njtiger24 aquariums

Officer Emeritus
Article Contributor
So about 3 days ago I picked up a rock nem and today, on my mental health day, I picked up a new fish, purple queen anthins and a Condy nem.

Now my wife can stop saying my clown needs a friend and my mom can stop asking where the colors lol.
