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Bulkhead gasket?

1" bulkhead with strainer for overflow. 1/2" for return. 1 gasket on each. Which side dose it go on. Inside tank or outside?


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
Regardless of which way you install the bulkhead, the gasket ALWAYS goes on the flange side. So if the nut is on the outside of the tank, the gasket in on the inside, and if the nut is on the inside of the tank, the gasket is on the outside. You NEVER put the gasket on the nut side.
Are you concerned about having a strainer on an overflow getting blocked?

My intention for this tank is to add a bit of extra volume while giving me a location where I can do a WC without shutting down the entire system. This tank may also end up holding some Live Rock from my sump as well to clear some space in there for the refugium I will soon be putting back online. The LR has an unknown amount of snails that I would rather keep out of the overflow line. Most are small (dwarf ceriths and colonista) but there may be a few larger hiding out. Until I know for sure I would feel safer with the strainer attached.