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Controller suggestions.

So I think I have narrowed my GFI problem down to the Aquacontroller JR that I have...or more specifically to the direct 8 that is attached to it.
I replaced the GFCI and the other power strip that I had the non switched items attached to.
When I had the AQ JR attached to a non GFCI no problems now with everything new it is clipping out occasionally.

What's my point?

New Neptunes items are not compatible with old items.
So which controller does everyone like?

I would like to keep in the 200-350 area if possible.
Need 6 controlled outlets minimum.
Well you could always upgrade to the apex jr. Then use your DC-8 and have the extra outlets
The DC-8 I believe is the problem. From what I understand the Energy Bar 8 will not work with the old AQ Jr? If this is wrong I can get a new Energy Bar 8
The DC-8 I believe is the problem. From what I understand the Energy Bar 8 will not work with the old AQ Jr? If this is wrong I can get a new Energy Bar 8

Correct the EB wont work down. I always see AC's for sale you might find one used. Otherwise if you don't need a full blown controller I do recommend the Apex Jr. The biggest downfall is that it only comes with 4 outlets but of course you could always add some. It will only accept 4 modules though so if you get it with the display then that's one slot taken. I opted for no display and I just use the phone app or my computer which is in the same room. It also comes with net capability so that's another slot you can save. Only monitors temp so if you want PH then you will need that module. With no display I believe it ran me $179.