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Please recommend an ATO

Had a ****ty experience with tunze nano.

It's going on my shallow 45 gallon reef with 15 gallon sump.

So far torn between:

Ice cap ATO

Smart ATO

smart ATO Micro

What do you guys think??

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Officer Emeritus
NJRC Member
My smart ATO has been working great for me....the IceCap ato is nice i think @Mark_C has one and the smart micro, im guessing is the same as the normal unit....just smaller
I have the tuner I am happy with it. Pump is dead though after 3 years but fortunately the replacement is not expensive. What happened to yours?

It never worked right. It would either overfill and shut down or just not fill if the water was low.

Granted this was the nano version not the full. But even with the full even though I have fond memories. Initially the float switch had to be replaced as it worked in reverse for whatever reason. Seems they have QC issues with float switches. And I'd rather not spend the $$$ on a full version

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Joining along, I'm curious too. Just did a lot of work under my stand and sump for my 46G so now I have room where I could probably fit a 5 gallon tank for an ATO reservoir so maybe I could try and ask for one for Christmas lol.

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njtiger24 aquariums

Officer Emeritus
Article Contributor
I currently have a JBJ system but it doesn't seemed to be working well. I am now working on adding one to my pi. I already started some test code. I just need to pick up some more items to start wiring everything up.