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Alkalinity what happened

I dosed a small anount of calcium then a small amount of alk and this happened. I never used the alk before i cracked opened a new bottle there were a few floaters of something in the bottle ( brand new) butnow my tank is okay but was it suppose to do this20180614_134732.jpg


Staff member
Board of Directors
NJRC Member
Happens often with Alk dosing, you get white floaters until they dissolve. No concern :)


NJRC Member
You can also let the bottle sit in hot water, shaking it every few minutes. It will dissolve completely so you don't have to see this in the tank next time you dose. In the winter the 2 part I use comes completely solid, and I have to do this for about an hour or so to get it back to liquid.
It very normal nothing to worry about, if u have never used alk before please dont blind dose that can wreck your tank.... get your a good alk test kit (red sea, salifert, hanna) and monitor you ph before and after dosing. always go with the products manufacture's dosing recommendation not all alk products have same concentration. Good Luck!


Staff member
Officer Emeritus
NJRC Member
Make sure you wait about 5 mins between alk and calc.

When dosed too soon they will combine and create a snow storm like that.