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Algae Barn?

So I’ve been planning on using the start up pack from algae barn and met the owner at RAP. Well he told me to email him the specs of my tank and he would set me up a package well it’s been 2 weeks and no reply so now I’m at the point of just ordering one of their regular packages. Has anyone started a new tank with their package?


Officer Emeritus
NJRC Member
Don’t get pods from them, they sent me an empty bag the last time. Go to
reefcleaners.org and you should be good to go


Their copepods are a scam! I ordered the 10,000+ mixed pods and there were barely 500. They used the excuse that they are juvenile and not visible to the naked eye, to which my response was "how do you know there are 5000 in there" which they had no answer for lol. I will say they sent me replacements but they seemed low in count also.


Staff member
Board of Directors
NJRC Member
I've used Aquarium Depot twice now for Amphi and Copes.
Both times when I've opened the packages there were so many they'd be jumping out onto the kitchen counter.
Added on a couple of corals last time as well, they did well.
So I’m going with reef nutrition I emailed them yesterday a few questions. Not only did they answer my questions but they also went into great depth and detail also tied links in. Oh they also replied in less than 24 hours. I emailed the barn 3 times in 3 weeks and haven’t heard a thing smh.

diana a

Staff member
NJRC Member
Does anyone know who locally carries AlgaGen ReefPODS and Reef Nutrition pods? Shipping from the two companies is $25


Officer Emeritus
NJRC Member
local to Holmdel? Not sure. I know Ocean Gallery carries reef nutrition