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Where do you get your frags?

Hi everyone,
As the title states, where do you get your frags? LFS, trades, online? Most of what I see online are colonies which aren't even near my price range. I don't mind getting things that are rather small, I'd even prefer it if it means that it costs less but my LFS tends to keep the same stock in terms of frags, and another LFS that I've stopped in a couple times seemed to have prices start at my max from what I remember but that was before I started buying corals.


Officer Emeritus
NJRC Member
All the above for me.I mean, the best deals would be local hobbist but some LFS have bargains as well. i go onlne route if i have my eye on particular piece and no one has it around.

diana a

Staff member
NJRC Member
Buying from local hobbyists, local LFS and online auctions. I also go online when I want a particular coral. My next coral buy will be a Strawberry Shortcake in the next 5 months.
Buying from local hobbyists, local LFS and online auctions. I also go online when I want a particular coral. My next coral buy will be a Strawberry Shortcake in the next 5 months.
Oh that one looks pretty, I like pink/lime green combinations.
So I guess buying from other hobbyists is just a sort of networking thing? Meet lots of people make lots of friends and swap/buy on occasion?


Staff member
Board of Directors
NJRC Member
Heard about a place in Elizabeth housing Hallucinations and Jubilees.
Was planning on putting a team together.
We can call it Ocean's, no, smaller, err... Tanks 11 (depending on however many want in the 11 may change).
Keep it quiet.


Officer Emeritus
NJRC Member
Heard about a place in Elizabeth housing Hallucinations and Jubilees.
Was planning on putting a team together.
We can call it Ocean's, no, smaller, err... Tanks 11 (depending on however many want in the 11 may change).
Keep it quiet.

You got it. Being a paid member has its perks too
I've looked all I really see is the group buy and being able to post for sale threads? Maybe I'm missing something? Plus all of y'all are in south jersey, it's quite the hike :p
Heard about a place in Elizabeth housing Hallucinations and Jubilees.
Was planning on putting a team together.
We can call it Ocean's, no, smaller, err... Tanks 11 (depending on however many want in the 11 may change).
Keep it quiet.
I went to a place in Union the other day, Underwater World. Sign said it's under new management so I'll reserve judgement until I find out if anyone has any information to share about that if it's a new person taking over for a shop that wasn't doing so well or what? The place was clearly in the middle of some issues when I stopped by so I'll have to give them another chance once they have time to clean up and settle in a bit.
They did have pods and phytoplankton in big jugs so I might go back some time just to get some of them.

diana a

Staff member
NJRC Member
The NJRC holds monthly meetings in different parts of nj....North, south and central. There are perks for being a member of NJRC....one being group buys, and vendors discounts during the year. Example Reefco is having a sale this weekend and paid members of NJRC will receive an additional discount
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The NJRC holds monthly meetings in different parts of nj....North, south and central. There are perks for being a member of NJRC....one being group buys, and vendors discounts during the year. Example Reefco is having a sale this weekend and paid members of NJRC will receive an additional discount

Something to keep in mind at least. Is that one of the LFS you like to go to for corals? I'd love to learn people's favorite local coral places, the 'where do you shop' thread is a bit outdated I've found.


Officer Emeritus
NJRC Member
Something to keep in mind at least. Is that one of the LFS you like to go to for corals? I'd love to learn people's favorite local coral places, the 'where do you shop' thread is a bit outdated I've found.

for me, Ultimate Corals and Reefco are my go to locally but I know Mark and he's just a great person to deal with. Reefco has a well organized shop and prices are fair. I'm sure other lfs are good as well but those 2 have been where I've been going recently.

diana a

Staff member
NJRC Member
I went to a place in Union the other day, Underwater World. Sign said it's under new management so I'll reserve judgement until I find out if anyone has any information to share about that if it's a new person taking over for a shop that wasn't doing so well or what?......

Can't give you any info on the place since I never heard of it before


Officer Emeritus
NJRC Member
I went to a place in Union the other day, Underwater World. Sign said it's under new management so I'll reserve judgement until I find out if anyone has any information to share about that if it's a new person taking over for a shop that wasn't doing so well or what? The place was clearly in the middle of some issues when I stopped by so I'll have to give them another chance once they have time to clean up and settle in a bit.
They did have pods and phytoplankton in big jugs so I might go back some time just to get some of them.

I've been to this place since I am about 5-10 mins away from it. Let's just say, I'd rather take an hour drive to someplace else before getting anything from this place.

If it is under new management then that's great news. hopefully they can turn it around.
I've been to this place since I am about 5-10 mins away from it. Let's just say, I'd rather take an hour drive to someplace else before getting anything from this place.

If it is under new management then that's great news. hopefully they can turn it around.
Yeah, I stopped in last Thursday. Person in there seemed nice, there was some sort of major spill or some sort of issue going on half the store had a half inch of water in it. I used to go to carvel right there all the time as a kid and never knew it existed, might be newer than that who knows. But the frame sign out front did say that, and the guy in there seemed to be trying to do a number of things at once, apologized for the mess because he apparently very recently moved in.
While we were in there looking around somebody came in rather ticked off that his salinity was off because he'd been doing top-offs with saltwater I believe was the problem and the worker there did a good job trying to explain things for him.

There was quite a variety of corals so if things turn around that would be great. There were some really great corals, I even took pictures of some for research purposes. I almost got the impression that there was a tank or two with the 'new' corals and some of the other tanks had old ones since there really seemed to be a difference between some of the tanks which makes me hopeful to post this info. I figure I'll give them a few months to try to get everything under control before I check back, since you're close if you stop by before then let us know! I'd love to have another coral place a bit more local to me, well maybe not local per se but my grandma lives in real close to there so I'm used to it.


Officer Emeritus
NJRC Member
I went to a place in Union the other day, Underwater World. Sign said it's under new management so I'll reserve judgement until I find out if anyone has any information to share about that if it's a new person taking over for a shop that wasn't doing so well or what? The place was clearly in the middle of some issues when I stopped by so I'll have to give them another chance once they have time to clean up and settle in a bit.
They did have pods and phytoplankton in big jugs so I might go back some time just to get some of them.
That place is trash, I'm not too far from it. It has changed owners several times over the years. Not worth going to