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Mantis Shrimp


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Well, the new 40 isn't working out atm for a xenia build, and all the fish and inverts are happy.
And, I've always wanted a mantis, so I figure what the ^&%^.
Got one on order. Plan on rearranging the tank Wednesday for it.
Yet to decide what to do with livestock as it'll go on a killing spree with the current inhabitants.


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No order submitted yet, still in works. Trying to find a peacock mantis.


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That Pet Place and Blue Zoo Aquatics has peacock mantis shrimp and a few others.
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Mine was gentle, never hurt anybody. Ate clam strips and salmon cubes. Here's mine, sharing a meal with a ghost shrimp.



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I never name anything (wife forced me to with the kids).
This guy's either going to be Great Cthulhu or Lord Dagon.


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You've answered one, with the eating cubes and strips, then another with the ability to acclimate to other inverts if fed well enough.
I was hoping to have a few soft corals, perhaps LPS, on the rocks. HAve you had any corals and if so, have they survived? Does it tend to pick at coral or is it ignorant of them?
Also, is that a mantis? I'm under the impression the punchers will kill inverts and leave fish alone, while the opposite is true for the spearers.
Mine was a spearer, but he didn't bother the fish. Ate the prepared foods. Maybe mine was too young to hunt? Had to give mine up because I was looking for a smasher, vendor I got it from wasn't able to identify before I purchased. But definitely cool to have.

That's him hanging out with some mushrooms.20190313_201852.jpg


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You guys are killing me, I think I need one now. How much space do they need? Maybe I’ll plumb a small tank into my system...