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Moving timeline- how far in advance should I sell and what should I sell?

Hi everyone,
We'll be moving in about a year give or take and I'm wondering if anyone has sold off their whole system how long it took to actually go through with that. Should I be getting a 40 breeder from petco now as my temporary-permeant tank for the things that I want to keep or at the very least not sell yet. I don't want to have to get rid of a brand new system (DT was purchased 6 months ago) for nothing because we were running out of time, but we'll be moving to Florida so I also don't know if taking my 75 gallon display, 40 gallon sump, and custom stand is going to be the best option.
Any advice? I'm going to be finding a way to bring my coral, but fish might be another story. I plan to keep my equipment (I think). I have no idea what kind of system I'll be able to set up once we move and what equipment I need.
Do you think I'd be better off scrapping most of my things, what should I save, what should I plan to get rid of, and how long should I give myself to do that?
Stock wise, you can prob sell to a fish shop as a last resort for a little money. It really depends on how you price the items.

If one of the fish is a harq tusk, brittle star or a hammer, I'll be glad to ge that off you lol!
Stock wise, you can prob sell to a fish shop as a last resort for a little money. It really depends on how you price the items.

If one of the fish is a harq tusk, Ill be glad to ge that off you lol!

Haha no special fish here just a pair of clowns and some gobies really

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NJRC Member
I am in the process of moving myself.
I am currently breaking down my 125.
I have one frag tank and I just purchase a 2nd low boy and I am moving everything to that frag tank. I am getting rid of a lot of soft corals.
The nice stuff will get fraged. I am not moving far so it should be easy. I have to keep my fish because I know they are healthy. If I was moving to another state I would get rid of most and only keep the high end stuff and I wouldn’t keep the fish if I would move to FL. Fish need to much water for long trips like that. Corals can survive with very little water.


Officer Emeritus
Staff member
You can also have someone hold your stuff while you get settled down in Florida and then ship it down afterwards. You can also drive it down to Florida (assuming you are driving down there) in a container with an airstone and some sort of temp control. It really comes down to what you want to setup when you get down there.
I am in the process of moving myself.
I am currently breaking down my 125.
I have one frag tank and I just purchase a 2nd low boy and I am moving everything to that frag tank. I am getting rid of a lot of soft corals.
The nice stuff will get fraged. I am not moving far so it should be easy. I have to keep my fish because I know they are healthy. If I was moving to another state I would get rid of most and only keep the high end stuff and I wouldn’t keep the fish if I would move to FL. Fish need to much water for long trips like that. Corals can survive with very little water.
That was my thought. I figured if I just buy a couple of those five gallon boxes of water from Petco to keep on hand, put the corals in a cooler with a bubbler and baby heater and I will hopefully be okay. Fish just seem a bit too much but I'm hoping to take some inverts. I'm even experimenting right now with a pico tank to see if that would be any different.
You can also have someone hold your stuff while you get settled down in Florida and then ship it down afterwards. You can also drive it down to Florida (assuming you are driving down there) in a container with an airstone and some sort of temp control. It really comes down to what you want to setup when you get down there.
This has crossed my mind. I"ll have to take a look into that as well.
I'd sell fish and bring everything else to Florida . You're probably getting a moving truck so just pack it up
My big concern is really the integrity of the seams after being shipped so far in a moving truck like that. It's one thing when they have the manufacturer packing but I'm not sure if I want to play around with leaky seams. This is already a new tank because the one I had before this had leaking seams so I'd really like to avoid that risk.
Does anyone have any experience or feedback on that?
What kind of gobies. Im looking to get some fish. Where in NJ are you located?
Ha I'm not quite selling off my fish just yet :beguiled: A move is still at least a year away, I'm just the sort that likes to over plan for big things. They're all clown gobies.