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Return pumps

What return pumps are you guys using now?

I'm trying to decide what to purchase for my 155.
I've been running a jebao dct for 1 year now and the original owner ran it for a year prior to me getting it and there hasn't been any issues. For the price i would say it's a pretty good return pump, only downfall is its setting resets during power loss
Iwaki 100RLT. It’s powerful and does the job but if I could do it all over again I would go two DC pumps for a little redundancy and I hate that If I want to throttle back the AC pump I have to use head pressure by restricting water flow with a valve. Makes pump work harder but with DC you can throttle back and just not have the pump work so hard.
Jebao DCP 10000 sine wave. Quiet. No whine. No vibration.
Doesn't loose much power after several months when it needs cleaning.
Easy to clean.
Feels well built.
Nice array of adapters, slip fit or barbs.
The power brick failed a little over a year old. No excitement, Didn't catch fire, just stopped working.
Control head 5 watts lower than actual power being used.
Head pressure seems to be over exaggerated like most DC pumps. Must use its largest pipe size for reasonable flow vs watts.
have to use head pressure by restricting water flow with a valve. Makes pump work harder but with DC you can throttle back and just not have the pump work so hard.
I used to think this way as well. With centrifugal pumps when restricting its flow it unloads the impeller. It actually uses less power.
I found this out with my pool pump and a amp/wattage clamp. As I choked off the returns to pool the wattage decreased by 400.
So do not feel bad for your pump your easing its load. :)


POTM Winner
I always ran iwaki pumps on my big tanks but iam currently running reef octopus dc pump which iam very fond of.iwaki pumps are work horses! I ran one for 7yrs 24/7 no issues,i only took it off line if I was doing maintenance.


NJRC Member
I use sicce 2.0 on my AIO and a 3.0 on my frag system. They're both great pumps - strong and quiet for being AC. When I built my water changing system I went with a jebao dcp 4500 and after using this pump for my water changes I wish all my tanks had one... They're incredibly strong and dead silent


NJRC Member
I have a mag18 that I use to use on a fresh water tank. I never had a problem so when I build my 1st reef I used that. I broke down my tank and moved. The mag 18 is still working but I will replace it with a dc pump.
the mag will go to my mixing station.
I also ran a jebao Dcs for the frag tank


NJRC Member
Running the ecotech m2, it's great silent and a boat lost of money lol. But I does work very well, and can be controlled though the reeflink app on my phone. I was using the jaebo 6000 before this and I used that pump flawlessly for 5 years until one morning it was doa and didnt have any output and was super hot. I'm guessing the impeller mag failed. But not bad for 5 years of continuous use. I upgraded to the m2 and the battery backup for the just incase days.