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Killin time? I'm gaming, building, and drinking.


Staff member
Board of Directors
NJRC Member
Just curious what everyone is doing to kill any quarantine time.
Both Carla and I are laid off, so I'm keeping busy, as is she, so we don't kill each other or the kids.

Tank is getting a 10g change a day, cuz, why not?
Continuing Space 1999 model build, a link which I'll update tomorrow.
Continuing DIY rock-like frag rack, which I'll post tomorrow.
I picked up the piano again after 30 years, threw my back out, and decided it would be easier to learn it. So I'm devoting an hour a day to practice.
An hour a day of home lifting and elliptical.
And gaming time at night after 7pm. Working a bit of The Division 2, COD Warzone, League of Legends, but none giving me a major kick (though I do like the COD bit). May reload Overwatch or jump back into Divinity: Original Sin 2 to finish a campaign I had in works. Can also kill time completing Witcher 3, Zero Dawn, or many others. Wish the Cyberpunk was out.
Through the day, - household chores and 1 major room clean per day, eventually moving onto flooring.
Tomorrow, I take a sawzall to my jeep to cut off the quarter panels.
Next week - greenhouse up.

Lots of **** to do, as there's no chioce in working atm, going to work the $%^% out of the house and Jeep.


Vice President
Staff member
NJRC Member
Luckily I am still working. The nights and weekends kill me.
Have no interest in video games anymore.
Do a little reading.
TV sucks IMO.
Went to see if anything good to watch using the fire stick. Guess what not there, not connected to the TV and can't find it.
So open to suggestions so wife doesn't throw me out.


NJRC Member
Still working, but if anyone is bored and is looking for something to do I can help out with that. I have a boat getting ready for the season. Help fix it, fish on it it’s a good deal.


NJRC Member
Just working and drinking here. Not necessarily in that order. As a desk jockey in blood sucking corporate America, I’m blessed that I can keep working. It’s also the worst part of my day!!!
Not working (kidneys and Pandemic). I’m still on the wrong side of sick. So not exactly crushing projects out. But have been having a heck of a time playing with a 3D printer. So far I have made the following.
MP-40 anemone guards
Bristle worm traps
wall mount for my pinpoint ph controller
egg crate support clip and mount
brine shrimp hatchery
couple of frag racks
NJRC logo emblems
A weir for frag tank overflow
Camera mount for my Wyze panning camera
Picture frame holder
Probe holder
Fake rocks with frag plug holes in it
Catapult (hey ya gotta have a little fun)
1000 face sheild supports that are being donated to a hospital. (My daughter works at hobby town in Jackson it’s there mission but since I have the printer I have been running them off to help
Still working for me. This just made my life harder.
Me and my wife are both still working in fact, even more then before and also have to deal with the kid at home enjoying no school. He is hoping they cancel for the year as he is liking the home schooling thing and the extra free time.


Officer Emeritus
NJRC Member
Not working here, schools are closed till.....???

Been playing warhammer 2 on the computer and talking walks to harborfreight just to give me something to do. Got my daughter doing kids yoga via YouTube so now her favorite word is namaste
Not working here, schools are closed till.....???

Been playing warhammer 2 on the computer and talking walks to harborfreight just to give me something to do. Got my daughter doing kids yoga via YouTube so now her favorite word is namaste
I’m just pulling my hair out wishing I was in ocean,, this is longest period of time I’ve ever been on land in 10 years,, I hate land,, it’s where all problems exist. No viruses out in ocean
But to keep busy I’m gonna start cleaning and fixing up the 65gal tank I got from Hass. It’s gonna go in my bedroom (stand and canopy match my bedroom furniture perfectly
I am also no longer working as of this week. I suspect it will be difficult for me to get another job again. My son and grand daughter have been staying with us since the start of school closings. He teaches from home, so it helps to have us with her. I haven't been able to see my other son and 3 grandchildren since this started, which is hard, as there was sickness going through there house when this started. They are both working from home and trying to take care of the children. Homework often gets done over the weekend. My wife usually babysits their baby, so that doesn't help.
I have worked outside trimming, fertilizing, raking or just taking in the sun for some natural Vitamin D production. We have been doing a Star Wars movie at night with roasting marshmallows by a fire pit. We ran out of chocolate so decided to use Nutella for s'mores, or as I call them S'mellas. I play a little Civilization on the computer. I have also been out for a few more walks or playing outside with my granddaughter. I have also been cleaning out my garage.
As far as fish go, I have been doing more water changes as well. The bubble tips have been growing well, but my clown fish don't care. I put several shells on the ledge below for them to hide in when they move (They love to hide in shells or pockets at night) so I can pass some along. The bottom anemone is hidden at night and pokes through a 1/4" hole for the day.

I was pretty much a homebody in the first place so think this is easier on me.
My art club closed so we put the monthly show on line for April and getting set for May's too. I'm the one that makes all the flyers and have been working with the Gallery director and web guy to get it all done. It will be posted April 1st. Art Shows
I've been painting and this is my latest that is in that show.
Out of work here as well, so yeah just anything to pass time. Got all my cleaning for the whole year done in one week lol, but yeah besides that just putting a lot of work into my tank and getting side projects done. For instance I have a metal stand that my tanks on so I want to build something in wood to go around it and hide everything underneath . Also +1 on league of legends and overwatch lol, I haven't played any video games in months but now I finally have time again
Not working (kidneys and Pandemic). I’m still on the wrong side of sick. So not exactly crushing projects out. But have been having a heck of a time playing with a 3D printer. So far I have made the following.
MP-40 anemone guards
Bristle worm traps
wall mount for my pinpoint ph controller
egg crate support clip and mount
brine shrimp hatchery
couple of frag racks
NJRC logo emblems
A weir for frag tank overflow
Camera mount for my Wyze panning camera
Picture frame holder
Probe holder
Fake rocks with frag plug holes in it
Catapult (hey ya gotta have a little fun)
1000 face sheild supports that are being donated to a hospital. (My daughter works at hobby town in Jackson it’s there mission but since I have the printer I have been running them off to help
Thats awesome sponge, do you have any pictures? Im mostly curious about the frag racks


Vice President
Staff member
NJRC Member
Would like to see the brine shrimp hatchery.
Will have to hit you up to make a weir for my tank as well.

As the saying goes:

Still working here in Grand central terminal , I am a railroad employee who works in the mechanical department that maintains and inspects train cars for passenger service so we are always considered essential employees. The wife( astrorose ) is layed off from her nail salon job so she is busy at home daily knocking some small projects out . We may go to a reduced work schedule here for us managers at work so I might go to a 4 day on and 4 off schedule to try to avoid exposure here in our office. But I just got word that our secretary is currently at the hopital coughing up a fit , so that plan maybe a little too late for me . wish me luck .

to everyone affected please stay safe and healthy out there.
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