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Fish trap needed

I have an angry clown that is terrorizing his 'mate.' In addition, several other fish in the tank have taken up the charge and all bully this same clown. Hence, the bullied clown spends most of his time in the tank swimming near the top or hiding in the rock work. I'd like to move him into my other tank which was set up as a QT but now has some frags and another smaller fish (clown of course). I've tried netting without success so I'm wondering if anyone has a fish trap that I can borrow for hopefully just a few days. I'm in Pt. Pleasant and will drive a 'short' distance to pick it up if you have one available. Thanks in advance!



Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
Have you tried a DIY bottle trap? I've had great success, but here's the trick.........you cut a small hole in the side to fit the end of a turkey baster. Put the trap in your tank....actually leave the trap in your tank so the fish become use to it. Now fill the turkey baster with some delicious food.....I use mysis. Put the turkey baster in the hole and squirt in the food. Leaving the baster in the hole, every so often (especially if the subject fish is close), give the baster a squirt causing the food in the trap to spin around.....almost like a snow-globe. The fish will see this and dart in. I've had good success with this method.



NJRC Member
Have you tried just reaching in and picking her up? Seriously. My female was so hell bent on biting me I could just pick her up whenever I wanted. That's how I finally got the demon out of my tank. Couldn't net her though.


NJRC Member
I have a fish trap in Aberdeen but I don't think it will work for you. Flashlight in the dark with a small net is the best way to get hard to catch fish. Do it an hour or so after dark.


Vice President
Staff member
NJRC Member
Have you tried a DIY bottle trap? I've had great success, but here's the trick.........you cut a small hole in the side to fit the end of a turkey baster. Put the trap in your tank....actually leave the trap in your tank so the fish become use to it. Now fill the turkey baster with some delicious food.....I use mysis. Put the turkey baster in the hole and squirt in the food. Leaving the baster in the hole, every so often (especially if the subject fish is close), give the baster a squirt causing the food in the trap to spin around.....almost like a snow-globe. The fish will see this and dart in. I've had good success with this method.

View attachment 43346
Always worked for me.
Constructed the DIY trap out of a water bottle and it sits in the tank now--hope that they get used to seeing it at the top. Will try the baster food squirt tomorrow and see how that goes. I'm sure that it will work eventually but with my luck, I'll probably catch every fish but the one I want to remove.

Tank lights have been out for an hour now and both clowns rest near the bottom but look to be a tough swipe with the net. Funny that one is such a bully during the day but 'sleeps' peacefully with the other when the light is out. Also, they look so much alike that I'm not sure that I'd net the right one if I was able to get the net down to them. Thanks for all the suggestions though.



NJRC Member
I made my own version of @redfishbluefish trap. I needed to get a pink spot watchman out of my 75g DT- I did a test first with a flashlight after dark- worked great when it was moving about after dark, but last night it decided to stay in. I needed to get it out this morning and was dreading having to take half my scape apart and use plastic screening to divide the tank up. I took a 64 ounce juice bottle- rectangular, cut the bottom off, removed the cap and put some mesh cloth with a rubber band, drilled some holes in 2 sides just in case. Put it on the bottom of the tank not far from the gobies cubby before lights on. did my normal morning feeding with flakes- some did float through the bottle- other fish were more daring and went in at first , the goby followed later .and I let them all be- An hour or so late I used a long handle syringe to put some frozen mysis in and was able to get it with a net


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