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RODI replacement filters


Staff member
Board of Directors
NJRC Member
Does anyone use RODI replacement filters from somewhere else OTHER than BRS?
Any quality issues?

I have a six stage and like everything else prices just keep climbing.

Thanks in advance.


Officer Emeritus
NJRC Member
i picked these up recently: Amazon.com

but my last set was from Amazon as well, does the job. the current membrane i have is from geekpure i believe and its working as advertised as well for half the cost of filmtec.


NJRC Member
I’m wondering the same thing. Recently refreshed my di resin and replaced my sediment filter. 0 tds but production has slowed. Thinking maybe it’s time to change my RO membrane so I’m wondering where to purchase.


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NJRC Member
I've only used airwaterice . Com filters and units since ......forever.


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Thanks for the input. Just seems silly to pay a huge premium for basic goods.


Staff member
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NJRC Member
You make your own RODI don't you Eric?

I make water for myself as well as a couple other reefer buddies so I try and stay on top of my RODI system and TDS.

I purchased the BRS 6 Stage 200 GPD unit with water saver and Dual DI Resin cannisters so I can ensure I am pumping out o TDS water!

And I replace the Sediment and Carbon filters at least 4 times a year and sediment more often...

If anyone ever needs water and is nearby - LMK


NJRC Member
You make your own RODI don't you Eric?

I make water for myself as well as a couple other reefer buddies so I try and stay on top of my RODI system and TDS.

I purchased the BRS 6 Stage 200 GPD unit with water saver and Dual DI Resin cannisters so I can ensure I am pumping out o TDS water!

And I replace the Sediment and Carbon filters at least 4 times a year and sediment more often...

If anyone ever needs water and is nearby - LMK
Definitely Eric!! Thanks for offer!
How much do you charge per gallon of the saltwater?