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Recent content by ericrodriguez

  1. E

    Three days blackout

    I’m also thinking there’s a circle going on, my salinity went up so much in December so it makes sense…
  2. E

    Three days blackout

    I rather have cyano than Dino lol
  3. E

    Three days blackout

    A friend who I just told this told me he killed them with this!!
  4. E

    Three days blackout

    Thanks again man I appreciate all the support!!;)
  5. E

    Three days blackout

    Okay I’ll do that, I have one right now but don’t know exactly if it’s big enough…
  6. E

    WTB Mexican turbos

    Also sea level aquarium is where I got mine and super healthy and really good prices
  7. E

    Three days blackout

    Also this started growing around a week ago hopefully will outgrow the Dino
  8. E

    Three days blackout

    Thanks again Vlad, I just don’t really have much time to check in here as often as before but I truly appreciate you all for all your efforts and support;) yeah my number are high so this should not be happening…
  9. E

    Three days blackout

    I’ll check in tonight now that I know how those looks like!!! Not the best navigating Facebook, but I do my best
  10. E


    I’m sorry to hear about this brother, but I wish you the best of luck finding a place you would like to be
  11. E

    Three days blackout

    Broooo thanks you so much!! It’s amazing that you took part of your time to help me out!!!
  12. E

    Three days blackout

    The water change is for the black out and hold the corals alive in the 10 gallons for 4 days!
  13. E

    Three days blackout

    Here is a question if I do a big water change and put on my curls in a 10 gallon tank could that water hold them up for 4 days??
  14. E

    Three days blackout

    This is Dino’s no algae
  15. E

    Three days blackout

    I’m in Bergen County 07642