• Folks, if you've recently upgraded or renewed your annual club membership but it's still not active, please reach out to the BOD or a moderator. The PayPal system has a slight bug which it doesn't allow it to activate the account on it's own.

Search results

  1. malulu

    some interesting reading about mantis shrimp...

    http://theoatmeal.com/comics/mantis_shrimp :D
  2. malulu

    April 2013 - POTM Announcement!!

    Hi - Reefer Fellows... Happy - April 2013 is here and so is the NEXT POTM... Its easy, Its fun, you get to show off your fishes and corals, The winner will receive a $20 gift card. Hurry up, Bring them on!!! Your winning image will be posted on the NJRC HOME PAGE! SO now is the time ---...
  3. malulu

    March 2013 - POTM Contest - Winner! ( BryanDuggan )

    Congratulations to <Bryan> (BryanDuggan) for winning the March-2013 POTM contest. Great Picture!! Quote from <Bryan>: ================= Took this while I was in Cape Tribulation, Australia. Most people who go to Oz dive off the coast of Cairns, and by comparison...
  4. malulu

    March 2013 - POTM Voting Has Begun

    http://www.njreefers.org/showthread.php?82274-March-2013-POTM-Contest Have Fun Voting!!
  5. malulu

    March 2013 - POTM Voting Has Begun ( TAKE 2 !! )

    http://www.njreefers.org/showthread.php?82274-March-2013-POTM-Contest Have fun Voting!!
  6. malulu

    March 2013 - POTM Announcement!!

    Hi - Reefer Fellows... Happy - March 2013 is here and so is the NEXT POTM... Its easy, Its fun, you get to show off your fishes and corals, The winner will receive a $20 gift card. PLUS There is an extra $20 from the 2013-January POTM winner (Sunny - Monroereef) Therefore this Month's...
  7. malulu

    February 2013 - POTM Announcement!!

    Hi - Reefer Fellows... Happy February 2013 is here and so is the NEXT POTM... Its easy, Its fun, you get to show off your fishes and corals, The winner will receive a $20.00 gift card. and Hopefully we have some new photo(s) to share after the devastated Sandy Storm recovery! Hurry up...
  8. malulu

    Any know what this thing called and where to get it?

    Hi, i got this thing ( see picture ) years back from Bruce K., and one of them just broke... Any one know where I can get a replacement? Or something similar? It have to be made from non-Metal as I use it to recharge my Kati-Ani unit... Thanks you in advance for your advises and. Comments.
  9. malulu

    January 2013 - POTM Contest - Winner! (Monroereef)

    Congratulations to Monroereef (Sunny) for winning the January 2013 POTM contest. Great Picture!! Quote from Sunny: ================= Here is one of my new pieces. Blue Berry Gorgonian. ================= Thanks and Best Regards...
  10. malulu

    January 2013 - POTM Voting Has Begun

  11. malulu

    January 2013 - POTM Voting Has Begun

  12. malulu

    January 2013 - POTM Announcement!!

    Hi - Reefer Fellows... Happy New Year!!! The World did NOT end... Nor Our beloved Reef Tanks! Yay!!! January 2013 is here and so is the NEXT POTM... Its easy, Its fun, you get to show off your fishes and corals, The winner will receive a $20.00 gift card. and Hopefully we have some...
  13. malulu

    December 2012 - POTM Contest - Winner! (dirtycontour)

    Congratulations to Earl (dirtycontour) for winning the December 2012 POTM contest. Great Picture!! Thanks and Best Regards, NJRC - POTM Committee
  14. malulu

    December 2012 - POTM Voting Has Begun

  15. malulu

    December 2012 - POTM Voting Has Begun

    http://www.njreefers.org/showthread.php?80361-December-2012-POTM-Contest Have Fun!!
  16. malulu

    December 2012 - POTM Announcement!!

    December 2012 is here and so is the NEXT POTM... Its easy, Its fun, you get to show off your fishes and corals, The winner will receive a $20.00 gift card. and Hopefully we have some new photo(s) to share after the devastated Sandy Storm recovery! Hurry up, Bring them on!!! Your winning...
  17. malulu

    November 2012 - POTM Contest - Winner! (AJ1080)

    Congratulations to Arnie (AJ1080) for winning the 2012/11 POTM contest. Great Picture!! Quote from Arnie: ================= Red people eaters and Green Hairy mushroom. Taken with my Galaxy S3 in macro mode. ================= Thanks and...
  18. malulu

    November 2012 - POTM Voting Has Begun

    http://www.njreefers.org/showthread.php?79448-November2012-POTM-Contest have fun!
  19. malulu

    November 2012 - POTM Voting Has Begun

    http://www.njreefers.org/showthread.php?79448-November2012-POTM-Contest Have fun!
  20. malulu

    November 2012 - POTM Announcement!!

    November 2012 is here and so is the NEXT POTM... Its easy, Its fun, you get to show off your fishes and corals, The winner will receive a $20.00 gift card. and Hopefully some of us still have some pretty photo(s) to shared after this devastated Sandy Storm! ( what a nightmare! ) Hurry...