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Search results

  1. C

    my little xmas island emperor

    Too much beauty gift that is this gift solved my problem because i have one child and its birthday is coming up very soon..May be i also give these types of gift.What is the price?Thanks
  2. C

    Happy Birthday MatteZ

    Happy Birthday dude ..Sorry i am late but do not forget to wish the very warm birthday..Hope you was enjoy the birthday party...Wish you best of luck...
  3. C

    Anyone Breed Cardinals?

    Woo that's a beauty of the fish and specially the nature whose make this fish so superb.Golden color and white lines in between them which is adding more the nature of this fish..Which scale do you use for measure the weight of this fish?
  4. C

    Sunny's FOWLR build thread ....

    Hi guys..Reef is specially the fish of the tank its very pretty fish when they are in the tank...its beauty just with the tank because different types of color is emit to it which is base of the beauty.
  5. C


    Jaw fish is one of the most attractive fish in the fishes..I was first time the jaw fish which is very honor for me and thanks to the govertical who saw the jaw fish to me..How much the total length of this jaw fish?
  6. C

    This will get people to the zoo.

    Woo Nice and superb work of the scientist which honor for the scientist that they bring back the extinct animal which i think not possible for the normal person that they bring back..I also watch the link and read out the story which is very interesting..
  7. C

    Building a custom glass sump - need advice

    Hi Red..I really appreciate your tank work its nice and superb looking design is specially amazing for me first time i see these type of design..What is the length and width of this tank?
  8. C

    Hello I'm New!!!

    Hi, I have been studying this community for a when now and believed it ideal that I be a aspect of these days.I am 26 years of age.I think this is a charming position and it delivers a laugh to my experience how you all help each other, wish to be a part of that.If anyone feels like helping a...