Folks, if you've recently upgraded or renewed your annual club membership but it's still not active, please reach out to the BOD or a moderator. The PayPal system has a slight bug which it doesn't allow it to activate the account on it's own.
Would consider a trade for something smaller (less gallons)
doesnt need to be reeef ready either, actually prefer it wouldnt be this time around
65 gallon/40breeder viable options the space where the tank sits is ideal for a 36" setup
I really like the Harli tusk, few Yellow tangs would be nice color pop, maybe pair of triggers or something you wouldn't want to keep with a reef setup. The angels are beautiful, but I get what your saying
Haven't done this, but I prefer barebottom. I like the natural look of the sand, but cleaning and maintenance I feel is touch easier. since time always seems to be an issue when I have something running, this helps
I love the tank, but its too much to upkeep at the office and perpetually dirty and unappealing
30"x30" rimless, reef ready tank ( marineland)
metal frame stand
trigger system sump
jebao controllable pump
screen cover that is on tank now, or you can toss it
heater that is in sump, not...