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Search results

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    Ash's 400 Gallon Reef

    Wow TSM is amazing
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    Ash's 400 Gallon Reef

    I like this forum - I got a healthy Hippo and Orange shoulder tang from one of the forum member Mickey; he was actually kind enough to drop them off. Also, TMS Aquatics msg me they got nice tangs and now I am going to pickup a Achilles on Saturday.
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    Ash's 400 Gallon Reef

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    Ash's 400 Gallon Reef

    Only thing I want in the display now is one powder blue, maybe 4 anthias and few chromis. Then I can just take care of them like my children and feed them fresh seafood from wegmans
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    Ash's 400 Gallon Reef

    I got a Achilles coming Saturday so will be adding 7 tangs and 2 clownfish into the display asap
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    Ash's 400 Gallon Reef

    Feels good to get my purple tangs back to health. They definitely wouldn't have made it without treatment
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    Ash's 400 Gallon Reef

    Canopy frame done.
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    Ash's 400 Gallon Reef

    I got something similar but it last 1 month. I removed it but opted for a cheap sump pump in a bucket. I may just need to clean it out but price of those pumps is insane vs a 40dollar sump pump
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    Ash's 400 Gallon Reef

    This sink and the pump has been one issue after another. Latest version including just using a sump pump and this worked for awhile but need to anchor pvc or something. Need to mount RO and other power equipment such as booster pump and dehumidifier
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    Ash's 400 Gallon Reef

    Manageable now but still alot of work left
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    Ash's 400 Gallon Reef

    Finally got around to basement organizing. This place was a bomb, below pics from before
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    Ash's 400 Gallon Reef

    Building canopy is very time consuming and these drawer slides weigh a ton. Hopefully it works out but no easy way to change 4 t5 bulbs so I have 30" drawer slides mounted 16" above waterline
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    Ash's 400 Gallon Reef

    I was just on the website and see you have 6 Achilles tangs. Hopefully one is available in 1 week so I can get that!
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    Ash's 400 Gallon Reef

    2 New fish additions (hippo and orange shoulder tang)
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    Ash's 400 Gallon Reef

    UV and skimmer added 5 days ago. Alot of dead organics being skimmed and water getting clearer. Phosphates are at .34PPM so want to get that to .05-.10 before turning on my display lights.
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    Ash's 400 Gallon Reef

    Moved my 2 purple tangs out of QT and into my sump. Once I get my PO down and my light rack done I'll be catching the 3 yellows and the 2 purples as the first fish in my display.
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    Ash's 400 Gallon Reef

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    Ash's 400 Gallon Reef

    My all time #1 favorite fish Queen Angel, maybe since i can never get it. damn worth it price at $350
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    Ash's 400 Gallon Reef

    Look at this beauty, only $1300:mad:
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    Ash's 400 Gallon Reef

    Anyone else have some big tangs they want to rehome let me know! Tangs will have to go in order of species so zebrasomas and probably last would be acanthuride. Its a shame I can't really justify the price on anthias since they are probably not catching them like before and i seen groups of 3...