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Search results

  1. N

    FS Sunkist bounce, Lemon Kissed Clove Polyp Colony

    give me about 30 and I’ll get you a pic when I get to my tank
  2. N

    FS Sunkist bounce, Lemon Kissed Clove Polyp Colony

    Best I can do is give a good size frag and 75$ cash
  3. N

    FS Sunkist bounce, Lemon Kissed Clove Polyp Colony

    Just looking for the bounce already have the cloves. But no problem thanks for getting back to me
  4. N

    Leather for trade or best offer

    Yes that’s what i believe it is
  5. N

    Leather for trade or best offer

    I also have two good size frags that are separate from the mother colony
  6. N

    Leather for trade or best offer

    Open to all offers besides Zoas and other leathers
  7. N


    Best price for all the hammers together
  8. N

    FS Sunkist bounce, Lemon Kissed Clove Polyp Colony

    Got a big piece of leather colony would be open to trade for the bounce
  9. N

    Leather for trade or best offer

    Will trade entire piece or frags off the mother colony
  10. N

    Frags for sale

    Sold a few of the corals this is the updated list
  11. N

    WTB Frags - Central Jersey

    Still looking?
  12. N


  13. N

    Zoa ID

    Please help ID these zoas
  14. N

    Frags for sale

  15. N

    Frags for sale

    Scramble Egg Zoas $30 Candy apple Chalice $15 Dragons Blood Lithophyllon $50 Trachy $100 Green Paly $10
  16. N

    Coral ID please

    That’s what I thought the person called in a rhino so I was very confused
  17. N

    Coral ID please

    Picked up this frag in a bundle and I am trying to find out what it may be. I appreciate any help you guys can give.
  18. N

    Need to make room
