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we have green and gray tree frogs native to Nj. I've caught and kept a few... You can make a trap from pvc and they eat crickets, worms, flys, pretty much anything that moves. They will make alot of noise singing at night.
Thanks Hawkeye!!! That's a black frag rack in the corner. Snail eggs were my guess but I was still curious... After searching a few images I'm pretty sure thats what they are.
The purple is probably the start of coralline alage which is good. The green is bubble alage and is no good... Try and pry them off the rock without poping the bubble or that will release it's spores.
Small clear bubbles... Inside the bubbles I can see 1 larger tanish speck along with a handfull white dots. Tank is only a few months old and I'm curious if this is anything undesireable.
In the pic it's the 3 clear dots in the corner
Wow!!! My first swap and it was awesome!!! Went a little overboard on spending but I'm comfortable in thinking that I'm not alone:)
Picked up @15 different zoos
5 sps
rainbow monti
jawbreaker mush
then stopped by ACC on the way home a picked up a Possum wrasse.
Picked up a Radion this week and needed a mounting method. Wanted a removable mount and this what I came up with. I had most of the materials from some previous projects... The foam board is dyvinecyl (spelling?) meant to accept resin. Cut the board, samdwiched with fiberglass,lots of trimming &...
^^^ good reading there
I'm still a beginner and after a year of reef keeping I'm still learning the in's n out's. I only have zoas, shrooms & gsp and I'm having fun watching everything grow.