Folks, if you've recently upgraded or renewed your annual club membership but it's still not active, please reach out to the BOD or a moderator. The PayPal system has a slight bug which it doesn't allow it to activate the account on it's own.
I know when I first joined I asked who was around the Atlantic highlands to the keyport area, I believe only one person answered. Now a bunch are coming out of the woods. That's great!
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I have another tank (new but with one pane broken and replacing with acrylic ) I may use for fish only. My girl is a vet tech and I can not tell her she can not have "Angelo" (butterfly) anymore. She would be devastated. She's a huge and profound animal lover.
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I know, I am working on getting a Sicce. They're undestructable. I just got this temporary and when the Sicce came in I would use this as backup or to mix my salt.
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Ok Just so we are clear I wasn't allowing the second pump to dictate the overflow. Perhaps I did not explain myself well. I want to cut a hole on the side so I can just allow flow through and into the pump. Piggyback. I would place the hole as far up as possible to allow water to flow through...
So far he's been good at not munching on corals. But I am aware that it may not last for ever. The Hammers are looking great! It was very nice meeting you both. We had a wonderful time looking at your tank. And, you really got me thinking about that Apex, just gotta figure out a way to raise...
No offense taken. This is why I ask, so I can get feedback. I did check on that overflow box and it's out of stock. :(
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What are you asking for them? Bc she would need to purchase the correct mate for them and she doesn't want it to get to expensive for her. .
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Well that was the topic of discussion on RC. I have no luck with stuff like that. It would happen to me that my tank would just crack! Beside I would have to take everything out of it and that would be a huge project, even for a nano. So I came up with this crazy idea. But I'm afraid to share...
And for the sump build, I have cut out all the pieces and getting ready to glue them in place. From bottom left is the 1 stage water from tank pours into second stage which ic for skimmer and media reactor (bottom right), then up and down through baffles to top right is the refugium and finally...