Folks, if you've recently upgraded or renewed your annual club membership but it's still not active, please reach out to the BOD or a moderator. The PayPal system has a slight bug which it doesn't allow it to activate the account on it's own.
I believe they are colonial hydroids. Do a search on Google for them. Split jury on how bad they are and if you should panic. I have had them for at least 2 years and they do not seem to spread too quickly. They are capable of stinging corals , but I haven't lost anything to them. I am...
Hmmm, interesting. It seems to be the only one missing? I see the threads recently, but can not get to the actual forum. I had to switch to my browser to see past posts.
Paul, I have about half of a five gallon bucket (spent, mixed bed)I have been saving to possibly regenerate someday. You are more than welcome to it. Just let me know.
Sandy hook was closed until today. They opened a couple of sections and it is still in rough shape. They are using ports johns because the buildings aren't open and the sewer and bike path are still messed up. I'm glad this was cancelled and hopefully no one went. But they are open now
Zippy, I have the same problem and noticed the same thing. I have been collecting mine in a five gallon bucket and when it dries the color comes back...very odd and not sure why. I would not try to reuse it unless you regenerate though.
You can count me out for this one. It just doesn't make sense to travel 2+hrs one way and a half tank of fuel only to find no one ever shows up. I am also leary if they are even going to allow us near sandy hook. Bob, have you verified that they will even allow people there? I saw newspaper...