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Search results

  1. Tazmaniancowboy

    Anyone hear from Sid (The_Codfather)

    I was hoping he was ok, his house is pretty high up. He hasn't returned my calls or text, he must be busy!. Sent from my PG86100 using Tapatalk 2
  2. Tazmaniancowboy

    Where to find open Gas Stations?

    Mixed reports that the state is going to odd/even gas tomorrow at noon Sent from my PG86100 using Tapatalk 2
  3. Tazmaniancowboy

    Ice cap 660

    Most likely a bad bulb. Contacted them with the same problem when they were still in business and they told me to check bulbs first then check wires. Happened many, many times after that and was always one bulb needed to be replaced.
  4. Tazmaniancowboy

    *** 2012 Frag swap Update ***

    Thanks for the heads up, you are correct, I hope the person who threw it up sees this post in time to edit it I agree, there is a lot to take into consideration
  5. Tazmaniancowboy

    How's everyone making out (roll call)

    Paul is in Sayreville and no doubt that he has no power. I was talking to Bob yesterday and expressing my concerns about Paul. Bob was telling me that Paul is probably in one of the highest parts of Sayreville. I do hope he is OK.
  6. Tazmaniancowboy

    Electric Repairs

    Got word today that Mystic had the power back on! With all the flooding, I didn't think it would happen so fast! Also forgot to saty that when I went down yesterday, I was behind a street sweeper who was following to huge front end loaders who were following a dumpster! That was impressive
  7. Tazmaniancowboy

    *** 2012 Frag swap Update ***

    We should be hopping all of the threads that were started to announce the Swap. Please advise anybody that you know.
  8. Tazmaniancowboy

    *** 2012 Frag swap Update ***

    As you all know and are probably sick of hearing about, “Superstorm Sandy” has hit the tri-state area and has had some devastating effects on the communities in and around the area. First we would like to say that we at NJRC hope that you, your family, and friends are OK and we wish you a safe...
  9. Tazmaniancowboy

    Electric Repairs

    AJ, just got back from Mystic...While I was there they powered up from about Scotts bait or Cumberland farms and all the way down 539. None of this was live when I got there, not even traffic lights
  10. Tazmaniancowboy

    Generator Failure Wipes Out Herbie's Fish Stock

    That sucks Herb, Good luck with the rest
  11. Tazmaniancowboy

    How's everyone making out (roll call)

    Definitely picking up with bands of rain. Cable tv is now pixelating, it is only a matter of time now.
  12. Tazmaniancowboy

    October 2012 - POTM Voting Has Begun...

    It was brought to our attention that there was a pic that needed to be disqualified due to it already being used elsewhere. There were no votes for it yet, but In order to keep it fair to all parties, the poll was moved temporarily until the image could be removed. I removed the image and moved...
  13. Tazmaniancowboy

    Attention generator owners!!

    I heard you can damage your fridge if the generator is under powered. Is this true?
  14. Tazmaniancowboy

    WOW that hurt! Guess I should've fixed that!

    I have had stray voltage in my system for some time now. I found out accidentally when I went to change my filtersock in bare feet on the concrete basement floor. I have not found the culprit yet due to lack of time, occasionally I am reminded of it with a slight tingle usually on a cut...
  15. Tazmaniancowboy

    Empty boxes on home page

    ok, Thanks guys. I'll Keep looking into it
  16. Tazmaniancowboy

    Empty boxes on home page

    Dan, can you see the Photo of the month? What about the fragswap pic on the homepage?
  17. Tazmaniancowboy

    Empty boxes on home page

    Sorry guys, It was all working on my end so I didn't know until you brought it to my attention. from the sounds of things it is going to be hard to pinpoint. Please keep the info coming and I will be looking for clues and researching this quirky situation.
  18. Tazmaniancowboy

    I'm back and I'm finally looking to jump back in

    Welcome back Jeff. Are you still around Manahawkin?
  19. Tazmaniancowboy

    Empty boxes on home page

    I've been on multiple computers and multiple platforms with no problems. I am curious to hear more Sent from my PG86100 using Tapatalk 2
  20. Tazmaniancowboy

    The 210 tank build

    What happened to the RO unit??? Are you crazy, I would have had water waiting!:glee: Anyway, Glad to hear it is coming along, can't wait to see how it turns out!