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Search results

  1. man908

    Wild Tenuis placement

    Hey guys, Just wondering if anyone keeps Tenuis Acros in the 200 par range and still get good PE and color?
  2. man908

    Stick guys & girls

    Your numbers are similar to mine. I also started using acropower.
  3. man908

    Stick guys & girls

    Ok..I thought I was the only one with the reef energy issues. Lol
  4. man908

    Stick guys & girls

    I feel like when I dose reef energy, I get a red/ what I think is cyano algae outbreak.
  5. man908

    Stick guys & girls

    Any algae issues with dosing reef energy?
  6. man908

    Stick guys & girls

    Any algae issues with dosing reef energy?
  7. man908

    Stick guys & girls

    Just out of curiosity, What parameters & nutrients do you keep your Acros in? At what levels did have success?
  8. man908

    CTO SPS/LPS frag packs

    Pricked up my pack yesterday..Great guy! Nice Acros, Nice polyp extension & color. Buy with confidence! Nice to meet you Raptor777 & Hopefully I will be seeing you again sometime in the near future..
  9. man908

    Lots 0f Equipment, Bordentown, NJ

    Great guy! Still has lots of great stuff. Thanks again.
  10. man908

    Lots 0f Equipment, Bordentown, NJ

    Dimensions on for ATI?
  11. man908

    Last Chance - Winding down sell off - equipment and fish

    What fish do you still have available?