Folks, if you've recently upgraded or renewed your annual club membership but it's still not active, please reach out to the BOD or a moderator. The PayPal system has a slight bug which it doesn't allow it to activate the account on it's own.
This really was a nice day! I'll third (or fourth?!) the thanks to everyone that attended. Hopefully we drummed up a lot of new support/members/friends for the club!
I honestly hope I'm not on TV. lol What a great way to make an appearance...(( They walk over, basically nudge this unsuspecting...
Is it possible your Anthias died and then was eaten? I didn't think BTA were that aggressive...especially not a smaller one. If it's eating it...I wouldn't worry about the anemone...guess it was REALLY hungry!
I agree with Gene in making sure that it IS Bryopsis. I had a very bad outbreak of it (i.e. the WHOLE tank was covered in it) I raised my MG up to 1500 and it was gone in days.
Thanks Everyone!
I had a great day! Deb made me one of my favorite dinners and I got all the goodies I could want! :)
Kalk Reactor w/all the goodies(Great job keeping it quiet, to all those that knew about it!), GTA IV, these KISS pins that I collect and a Dunkin Donuts GC. That covers all...
With the cost of the train, you're better of's not a bad day trip. Deb and I went to the harbor for the weekend a few years ago...It was a lot of fun, and the aquarium was great!