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Records-33 RPM

Anyone know if these have any value? Where to sell them? Anyone collect them?
I have 110 of them including 4 elvis.
Or should they just be tossed?


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
I have a buddy at work who collects them. He may be intrested but would need to know what they are.
Haha, you can't ask me music questions. I'm really clueless. all I know is they are OLD. Some of the artists are Dean Martin, Earl Grant, Gene Autry, Mitch Miller, Lawrence Welk.


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
He's got to get rid of some big band type stuff himself (wife's orders) so he'll have to pass on the artists you have listed. He is looking for 50's and 60's jazz albums though if you have any of those.
When you mentioned LPs - the first thing that popped into my head was Shaun of the dead and the scene where they argue what albums to throw at the zombie.

Ed: 'Purple Rain'?
Shaun: No.
Ed: 'Sign o' the Times'?
Shaun: Definitely not.
Ed: The 'Batman' soundtrack?
Shaun: Throw it.
Ed: 'Dire Straits'?
Shaun: Throw it.

sorry to hijack...good luck unloading them!


Vice President
Staff member
NJRC Member
The value depends on many factors. My uncle goes around all summer to garage ales looking for old records. He may be interested in some yours.


Officer Emeritus
Officer Emeritus
To me, the value is really dependent on how much time you are willing to spend finding the person that finds them valuable. I never have that much time and don't find it worth the effort. That's why I gave Brian my two old Kiss albums (no brainer there) and threw the remaining 100 or so albums in the dump. Who knows if I had anything of value but to me it wasn't worth the trouble to find out.