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Search results

  1. R

    RAP NY Purchases

    Should take pictures of those zoas under better lights. I could only ID the butt kisser from that.
  2. R

    Your Reef Frag Pack

    I want to give the zoas a full day to adjust. No pictures or opinions until tomorrow!
  3. R

    Moving sale fish and tanks

    Dave is ahead of me
  4. R

    Your Reef Frag Pack

    Now the waiting game to see how they look! :coffee:
  5. R

    Your Reef Frag Pack

    Hi all, I just wanted to share my experience with everyone doing my first online order AND getting my first frag pack. For starters, This is how I received my package. Seemed to be a standard shipping. Then, I opened the box and I see this. The classic styrofoam box, very pleased to...
  6. R

    Live rock or dry rock

    Marco rock is awesome rock
  7. R

    Moving sale fish and tanks

    status on frag tank?
  8. R

    Moving sale fish and tanks

    throw me in line for the frag tank
  9. R

    Welcome Aqua Creations

    Welcome! Is this a lighting company? lol
  10. R

    RAP NY Purchases

    Awesome pictures Medusala! Any names for the zoas you got? I can only ID a handful of them
  11. R

    RAP NY Purchases

    Nice pick ups Ligershark and Dave, love the pinwheel flower nem
  12. R

    First Tank 29gal with display sump

    The hammer SHOULD be okay.. You could move it just to be safe though. Lights and nutrients will effect algae growth and should be adjusted accordingly!
  13. R

    First Tank 29gal with display sump

    Hey bud, it looks like you bought a hammer coral, but a torch coral. They're both Euphyllia... they just look different and one is more aggressive than the other (in most cases). If ya can get us some better pictures of the zoas (top down shots) we may be able to help with the ID!
  14. R

    Two should-be-simple reef health questions

    Looks like dino with all the bubbles on it.. Any other pictures of a larger cluster in your tank?
  15. R

    RAP NY Purchases

    Some pictures as promised! I also picked up the 2 frag racks that they're all sitting on and got a free meteor shower that you can see... I was told the piece didn't ship well so I could give it a go and see if it lives. I figured why not!
  16. R

    RAP NY Purchases

    Hey guys! With RAP now in the books I thought it would be cool to share what everyone got from the convention. A list of what ya got and some pictures! I got a handful of zoas: 1. Goblins on fire 2. Vamps 3. Stargazers 4. Utter chaos 5. Black hornets 6. (A no name zoa) 7. Pink Diamonds 8. JF...
  17. R

    RAP- what to expect

    I saw it today! I completely missed it the first day. Looks good!
  18. R

    RAP- what to expect

    Next year I think we should definitely get a nicer banner. I believe it is worth the money to invest in and it can be used year in and year out at whatever event we attend... Just a thought!