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Search results

  1. R

    Etmanning's 90g Build

  2. R

    February Monthly Meeting

    @SeahorseKeeper @trio91 Are you guys coming? By your posts in the group it seems like you are, but I dont want to assume!
  3. R

    North Jersey (Bergen County) LFSs

    Oh easy. If I ever win something from that auction (People always bid ridiculously high) I will definitely pick up my order as opposed to having it delivered. :)
  4. R

    North Jersey (Bergen County) LFSs

    Where is POTO located exactly?
  5. R

    Zoa ID...

    I will buy for 1 6 pack of beer. Your choice.
  6. R

    Sunny's 600 Gallon Build

    I personally would go with a nice school of lyretail or any anthius for that matter (Sorry Mike). The schooling personalities they carry and their stunning color is something that really gets the tank active and colorful.
  7. R

    February Monthly Meeting

    Well I hope to meet you! That is definitely a hike, but I hope you can make your way up here! Please don't forget to RSVP!
  8. R

    Calcium build up? Algae?

    Poor fishies :( We gotta get to the bottom of this for their sake! What kind of light do you have? Could you test your water and post the results here?
  9. R

    Etmanning's 90g Build

    I second this notion... by trio. didn't quote xD
  10. R

    WTB Torch Corals

    I would suggest attending the upcoming meeting on the 18th! I believe Ocean Image Aquatics may have some torches available.
  11. R

    February Monthly Meeting

    Looking forward to meeting you all!
  12. R

    Calcium build up? Algae?

    You only feed 1 time a week?
  13. R

    Etmanning's 90g Build

    Looks good so far! We're here to help along the way.
  14. R

    North Jersey (Bergen County) LFSs

    I'm bias to my LFS Ocean Image Aquatics in Ledgewood NJ. The meeting this month will be held there so there is a kill 2 birds with 1 stone reason to attend! He is also very into SPS as well.
  15. R

    February Monthly Meeting

    I'm sorry to hear that @badfish :(. Hopefully the reschedule will allow for more people to attend though that orginially couldn't.
  16. R

    February Monthly Meeting

    Let's reschedule for the 18th. I have a feeling it'll benefit everyone.
  17. R

    Next Step on Bubble Algae

    Emerald crabs do work. The spore spreading is a myth. I have a single emerald crab in my 40B and haven't seen bubble algae since I put him in.
  18. R

    February Monthly Meeting

    So I would like to make a poll sort of post.. Would more people be able to attend if it was the 18th instead of the 11th?
  19. R

    why are my corals slowly withering away ?

    It's not good that your nitrates are so low still. Feed feed feed. Dont do a water change for a month or two