• Folks, if you've recently upgraded or renewed your annual club membership but it's still not active, please reach out to the BOD or a moderator. The PayPal system has a slight bug which it doesn't allow it to activate the account on it's own.

Search results

  1. R

    February Monthly Meeting

    Wow. Okay if it was to be on the 18th instead would it allow for more people to make it?
  2. R

    February Monthly Meeting

    Ah well happy birthday to her! If this is a reoccurring theme of people not being able to make it the meeting can be moved to the following Sunday.
  3. R

    February Monthly Meeting

    Awesome! Looking forward to meeting you! Don't forget to RSVP!
  4. R

    February Monthly Meeting

    That's unfortunate!
  5. R

    February Monthly Meeting

    Alex of OIA told me he would be happy to pitch in a frag or two to the raffle. If any needed information or questions has been left out feel free to ask!
  6. R

    January 2018 Meeting

    Bummed I couldn't make it because of grad school classes. I am looking forward to hopefully meeting everyone next week for my meeting!
  7. R

    Wrasse ID help!

  8. R

    Wrasse ID help!

    I figured it out. It's an H. trispilus
  9. R

    2018 Host wanted!!!!

    If things go well with the next meeting (Feb) then I would be open to hosting the North meeting for December.
  10. R

    Red Sea Reefer Nano Build

    As long as you can get thise gobies to eat xD
  11. R

    Red Sea Reefer Nano Build

    If you don't want to go with the hamster like Mark suggested.. A simple pair of clowns and a tailspot/bicolor blenny would do the trick.
  12. R

    Raccioppi83's 40 Breeder Reef

    Yup! I've got one!
  13. R

    Raccioppi83's 40 Breeder Reef

    Maybe, I have seen this combo in smaller tanks that are doing well. If I see stress I have back up plans. As of right now, they're happy as can be.
  14. R

    Raccioppi83's 40 Breeder Reef

    So I added a yellow tang and a flame angel this past weekend. Both on the smaller side. So far they're doing great!
  15. R

    90 gallon tank in my kitchen

    Welcome! I love the influx of North Jersey reefers joining recently!
  16. R

    Sunny's 600 Gallon Build

    If you want us to sketch up some ideas... you have to let us know what you plan on having in there!
  17. R

    why are my corals slowly withering away ?

    I agree with the posts above. You need yo relax on your water changes and let your tank dirty up. I think the gold point for NO3 is between 15-30ppm. Sometimes even up to 40ppm. Feed more too. Your fish may not be doing enough to keep your tank dirty depending on what kind of filtration you're...
  18. R

    Welcome To NJRC! Take a minute to introduce yourself

    I forgot to mention this before. For all of the new members that live in North Jersey, I am located in the North Jersey area. I grew up in Glen Rock and then moved to different towns in Morris County and I now live in Wharton! So if you need help with anything or just need someone to talk fish...
  19. R

    Welcome To NJRC! Take a minute to introduce yourself

    Hey all! I'm happy to see so many new members joining!
  20. R

    Raccioppi83's 40 Breeder Reef

    @diana a the picture still doesn't do it justice