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Search results

  1. UsamaCh.

    Super Pet Expo

    Is anyone going to the Super Pet Expo that will be at the NJ Expo & Convention Center in Edison this coming Friday, Saturday and Sunday? As a vendor they gave us a discount coed you can use if you purchase your ticket online. It $3 off with code "LOVEYOURPET". https://www.superpetexpo.com/edison
  2. UsamaCh.

    Best Kalkwasser??

    What is the best brand of kalkwasser you recommend?? pH is low in our frag tank plus want to start maintaining alk and calc through slow doses.
  3. UsamaCh.

    RAP NY

    Who’s going to RAP NY this June 26th - 27th??? I’m going on Saturday!
  4. UsamaCh.

    Affordable ATO Options

    We are currently looking for affordable (not so expensive) ATO options for two of our smaller tanks at the lab. We are already using the Duetto ATO on the large frag tank but wanted to see if there are more affordable options with good reviews. Also looking for affordable skimmer options (open...
  5. UsamaCh.

    Apex pH alerts

    So our apex is set up to alert us if the pH goes below 8.00 and above 8.50. The pH right now is 8.44 so the alarm should not be going off. However we keep getting alerts that the pH is above 8.40 (8.44). I feel like it is following the recommended values of 7.80-8.40. We are using the advanced...
  6. UsamaCh.

    Jebao Return Pump and Wave Maker

    Hey guys! So I am looking for affordable return pumps and wave makers where you have control over the flow and I came across the Jebao return pump and wave maker. I wanted to ask if anyone has any experience with these and what are your thought? Worth it or are there better options? Return...
  7. UsamaCh.

    AI Hydra 26/T5 Setup and Schedule

    Hey guys! does anyone have a AI Hydra 26/T5 setup and if so what T5s are you using and what schedule/setup do you have your AI(s) on??
  8. UsamaCh.

    University Coral Farm Needs Your Support!!

    Hi there! The Stockton University Aquarium and Aquaculture Club is working on building and maintaining a coral frag aquaculture system or "coral farm" to produce aquacultured corals for the aquarium trade. It will be set up at our marine field station's aquaria lab. The goal is for our members...