Folks, if you've recently upgraded or renewed your annual club membership but it's still not active, please reach out to the BOD or a moderator. The PayPal system has a slight bug which it doesn't allow it to activate the account on it's own.
Jack-o-Lantern Lepto - 20$ for Large 10$ for Small
Cotton Candy Torch - Splitting into 2 heads - 100$
Indo Gold w/ Green tips (top torch) 75$
Green and Blue Yuma - 20$
Gold hammer with green undertones 2 heads splitting into a 3rd - 75$
Gold Hammer with Blue undertones single head 35$...
Anyone have any oregon tort available to trade? I have a frag of Big R WD to trade. Also looking for others I may not have. Just looking to add to the collection that I don't have space for. :)
My list so far
Red planet
Wwc yellow tip
Garf bonsai
Sunset milli
Blue voodoo
Poto thunder cat
100$ or best offer
It's over growing the tile at this point so over 3x3.
Beauty and the beast paly 10$ polyp
Will be cutting the colony up tomorrow.
Pink constellations 10$ per polyp multiple available
Vamps 10$ per polyp multiple available
Acan colony $80
Forest fire...
Hi all,
Still trying to clear up the tank as usual. I am hoping this isn't going to break the 12 listing rule since its a SPS pack. If its an issue let me know and I'll take it down. Thanks.
Located in Howell - 07731
Acans are listed below with prices in the picture.
SPS Pack...
Shutting down one of my tanks and unfortunately I have no place else to put him. Looking for a good home. Located in Howell. Only about 1 1/2 inches maybe 2 inches.
Located in Howell 07731
Green slimer 1" -2" chunks 30$
Electric Lemonade anaocpora 10$ to 20$ for size of frag
Tree cheery monitpora 10$
Putple stylo 15$
Forest fire digi 10$ - 20$
Blue and green ocotospawn 75$ two and hree head frags
Aussie torches
Green with green tips 150 (...
Anyone have any Millepora or easier acros they would be looking to trade?
I have plenty of Zoas, Shrooms, Anacopora, Monti, Hammers to offer.
Let me know what might be available. Thanks!
Just as an FYI I already have Red Planet Acro, Birds of Paradise, Poscilapora, Green Slimer and lots of...
Pick up only. Located In Howell - 07731
Thanks for looking.
Close up of Playboy Bunnies
A - Playboy Bunnies
1-2 Polyps 10$
3-4 Polyps 15$
4+ Polyps 20$
Close up Orange Oxides
B - Orange Oxides
1-3 Polyps 10$
3+ Polyps 30$ ( Most are 8+ polyps)
Close up...
So this morning I'm sitting here enjoying my coffee and I hear my wifi plug click on to dose my morning alkalinity, I look over and see an empty bottle. My first thought was you forgot to fill it duh..but then I remember I topped it off about a week ago. I use a BRS 1.1ml a min doser for a few...
125g RR dual overflow deep blue tank w/ stand
Includes all plumbing but no sump
Also includes RODI unit
Does not include lights
Located in Central NJ
Hi all,
Love doing trades and I have plenty available. Looking for things I don't have.
White Zombies
Rainbow infusions
Rainbow Spectrum
Rainbow incinerators
Salted agave
Little Shop of Horror
Grande palys
God of War
Gob stoppers
Scrambled eggs
Blue Rhinos
Anyone interested or want a really.nice wet dry sump? I used it for quite a while and it works great just want to offer it to someone who can put it to use.
Hi all,
Just cut up a huge green polyp toadstool and have plenty available. Located in Howell.
Also have a green yuma rock I can either frag up or sell the whole thing at a cheap price.
Toadstools are decent size chunks 15$ each
Green yumas I can do 15$ each for them or 150 if you want the...